“Essentially a box that bullets come out of, the MAC-10 SMG boasts a high rate of fire, with poor spread accuracy and high recoil as trade-offs.” ― Official description
In the world of Counter-Strike, there exists a submachine gun distinguished by its exclusive presence among terrorists. This is the MAC-10 - a weapon that draws attention with its compactness and efficiency. Developed back in 1964 by Gordon B. Ingram, it was officially designated as the M-10, and in the game, it is loaded with .45 ACP rounds.
The MAC-10 is not just any submachine gun; it's a source of powerful firepower for terrorists. With its high rate of fire and moderate damage, it becomes an affordable choice. However, despite its advantages, it has its drawbacks. High damage drop-off at a distance and incomplete accuracy make it less effective in later stages of the game, resulting in it being a rare sight on the battlefield.
The weapon is light and provides high mobility, making it attractive for swift maneuvers. However, its reload was quite slow in early versions, although this issue has been partially addressed in Global Offensive.
In Global Offensive, you earn more money for kills with the MAC-10, making it an even more attractive choice. And if you equip both the K&M .45 Tactical and the MAC-10, you can share a common supply of 100 rounds.

The MAC-10 is not just a weapon; it's part of the strategy and tactics in the world of Counter-Strike, a balanced mix of power and mobility that can make you a deadly opponent on the battlefield.
In the world of Global Offensive, when pockets are empty and capital is scarce, buying a MAC-10 becomes a wise decision. Not only is this submachine gun the most affordable in its class, but it's also capable of quickly paying for itself. With just two hits on an enemy, you're already making a profit of $1200.
But be cautious in Counter-Strike, where the MAC-10 can quickly deplete your ammo due to its rapid rate of fire. Preserve your ammunition or ensure an ample supply of spare magazines.
Aim your sights higher in close combat, aiming for the head. Two accurate shots, and even a helmeted opponent won't stand a chance. At the beginning of the game, sometimes one headshot is all it takes.
At medium distances, fire 4 shots, aiming for the enemy's neck. But remember, the MAC-10 is not for long-range combat. In such cases, it's preferable to fire single shots, as its accuracy is comparable to some assault rifles.
In hand-to-hand combat, don't hesitate to fire bursts at full power. Enemies in tight spaces won't be able to dodge your fire.

Remember, the MAC-10 has high recoil and low accuracy. Frontal assault is not the best choice. It's better to use it for ambushes and flanking enemies.
Try to compensate for its recoil, and remember that sometimes random headshots can be the result of vertical recoil.
In open spaces, it might be wise to switch to your pistol due to the high bullet spread of the MAC-10. And remember, this weapon is ideal for rushing, but only if you can control its recoil.
In the world of Counter-Strike, there are many mysteries and amazing facts associated with the famous MAC-10. Here are some of them:
- Retaining the real name: The MAC-10 retained its real name in early versions of Counter-Strike due to the bankruptcy of the company that owned the rights to this name - Military Armament Corporation.
- The cheapest weapon: In CS:GO, the MAC-10 is the most affordable primary weapon in terms of price ($1050), along with the Nova.
- Real names: Before Global Offensive, the MAC-10 was one of the four weapons in the game that retained their real names, along with the Five-SeveN, Maverick M4A1 Carbine, and M249.
- Model features: The MAC-10 model in Global Offensive was taken from Left 4 Dead 2 Silenced Submachine Gun, but with changes such as the removal of the silencer and flashlight.
- Firing without ammo: Even when the ammunition runs out, an unproduced shot is still visible in the MAC-10 chamber.
- History intertwining: In early versions, the MAC-10 lacked a fabric strap in third-person view, which was corrected in subsequent updates.
- Changing ammunition: In Source, it is stated that the MAC-10 uses .380 ACP cartridges instead of .45 ACP, essentially making it a MAC-11.
- Animation features: Different versions of the game may have differences in MAC-10 animations, showing it as either a closed-bolt weapon or not.
- Low popularity: Before the release of Global Offensive, the MAC-10 was one of the least popular submachine guns in the Counter-Strike community.
- Shared use of ammunition: Similar to its counterpart, the TMP, the MAC-10 shares its ammunition with the pistol of the opposite faction - the K&M .45 Tactical.
- The MAC-10 is not just a weapon; it's a story intricately intertwined with the development and evolution of Counter-Strike.

MAC-10 in numbers
- Price 1050$
- Purchasable by Terrorists
- Damage 29
- Armor penetration 57.5%
- Rate of fire 800 rounds per minute
- Accurate range (meters) 11m
- Reload time 2.6 seconds
- Magazine capacity 30
- Reserve ammo limit 100
- Running speed (hammer units per second) 240
- Kill award 300$
- Penetration power 100
- Ammunition type .45 caliber
- Firing mode Automatic
- Recoil control 21 / 26
- Range modifier 0.8
- Counterpart MP9
- Entity weapon_mac_10
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