Gear encompasses a unique category of in-game items in Counter-Strike, specifically referring to non-weapon items.
In the majority of Counter-Strike titles, gear includes:
- Items available in the equipment section of the buy menu, such as Kevlar + Helmet.
- Non-weapon gear players can equip, like night vision goggles.
- Objective-related equipment, such as the C4 explosive.
In Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes, gear extends to mission-critical items like the Radio and Nuclear weapon, as well as mission-specific items such as wall-mounted medkits.
Except for the C4, players cannot voluntarily drop gear without dying. Other items, like armor and night vision goggles, cannot be acquired by other players.

Static map elements and interactive props that impact gameplay are also sometimes categorized as gear, even though they are not "equipped" in the traditional sense. This inclusion is for ease of classification.
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