“Easily recognizable for its unique bullpup design, the P90 is a great weapon to shoot on the move due to its high-capacity magazine and low recoil.” ― Official description
The P90, formerly known as the ES C90, is a submachine gun model featured prominently in the Counter-Strike gaming series.
General information
The Belgian personal defense weapon FN P90 is made in a bullpup layout and is equipped with an unusual horizontal magazine for 50 rounds of 5.7x28 mm format. In the game, the magazine holds 50 rounds, and the total ammunition capacity is 100 rounds, while the reload time is quite long. The cost of this submachine gun is $2350, making it the most expensive SMG. On maps with the Assassination mission, the P90 is not available for use by terrorists.
Although rarely used in Pro League matches due to its high cost, the P90 is popular among beginner players who prefer an aggressive playstyle due to its large magazine capacity, which allows it to fire without aiming.
The weapon is distinguished by controlled recoil during burst fire and accuracy sufficient for medium distances, which, however, is reduced in the Global Offensive version and becomes insufficient at long distances. At the same time, shooting accuracy decreases slightly when moving, which makes the P90 convenient for shooting on the move.

The P90's damage is lower than that of other submachine guns, and it is not capable of instantly eliminating an enemy with one headshot in CS 1.6 and CS:CZ, but it makes up for this with a large magazine and a high rate of fire. The penetration of the armor is quite high, especially in the Source version, but it takes several hits to destroy an enemy wearing the armor.
The P90 is heavier than other SMGs, which in earlier versions of the game resulted in a slight reduction in movement speed, unlike other SMGs that do not have such a reduction. In Global Offensive, where all SMGs have a slight speed reduction, the P90 reduces the player's movement speed to an average level.
In Global Offensive, the P90 provides a standard kill reward, as opposed to the double reward for other SMGs, which is $300 in Competitive mode and $150 in Casual mode.
In previous versions of the game, when used in conjunction with Five-SeveN, both weapons' ammo would be consumed from the general supply due to the use of the same ammo. In Global Offensive, shared ammo has been removed, although the P90 originally had shared ammo by mistake, which was fixed in the April 28, 2015 update.
The P90 remains the weapon of choice for bots who tend to use SMGs in combat.
Usage strategy
The P90 submachine gun is ideal for medium-to-short-range action thanks to its high-intensity fire capability and armor-piercing ammo. For a mass attack in conditions of limited visibility, smoke and flash-noise grenades will help reduce the distance to the enemy and distract his attention.
When shooting without aiming, it is advisable to aim slightly above the center of mass so that the bullets describe an arc and hit the enemy’s head. This technique is especially effective in close combat against rapid-fire weapons.
Using a large magazine allows you to fire at multiple targets simultaneously, but constant fire reduces accuracy and leaves the shooter vulnerable to counterattack. When difficulties arise in close combat, it is important to use flashbang grenades to blind the enemy before attacking.
When shooting on the move, it is recommended to aim at head level and use the element of surprise when attacking from blind spots. It is important to avoid firing in the direction of your allies due to the high risk of "friendly fire".
The P90 is effective at eliminating opponents with low-capacity firearms due to its high rate of fire. The ability to fire in short bursts increases accuracy at medium distances and allows you to effectively hit targets in the chest and neck area.
At mid-range, it is recommended to take a seated stance and aim lower, which can lead to successful headshots. Avoid using automatic fire at long ranges due to high spread.

To maintain accuracy, you should fire in short bursts of 3-5 rounds, which will allow you to effectively hit targets at medium range without the need for headshots. At long distances, it is advisable to use single shots or short bursts and avoid direct collisions with opponents equipped with sniper rifles.
If you need to reload, look for a safe place or switch to a pistol. Global Offensive has reduced the P90's effectiveness against hardened targets and at long ranges, prioritizing close-range combat using a high rate of fire to overcome slow-firing enemy weapons.
The Global Offensive version also allows the use of "shoot through the doorway" tactics, allowing you to damage the enemy, using elements of the environment for protection and reloading.
Additional information: In every version of the Counter-Strike series, the P90 is equipped with a red dot sight, which is not used in Global Offensive. Visually, the P90 has undergone changes: in early versions the magazine was opaque, and in later versions it was transparent, allowing you to see the cartridges. Despite this, visually the store always looks full. In some versions of the game there were errors in the designation of cartridge calibers, which were corrected in subsequent updates.
Usage strategy
The P90 submachine gun is ideal for medium-to-short-range action thanks to its high-intensity fire capability and armor-piercing ammo. For a mass attack in conditions of limited visibility, smoke and flash-noise grenades will help reduce the distance to the enemy and distract his attention.
When shooting without aiming, it is advisable to aim slightly above the center of mass so that the bullets describe an arc and hit the enemy’s head. This technique is especially effective in close combat against rapid-fire weapons.
Using a large magazine allows you to fire at multiple targets simultaneously, but constant fire reduces accuracy and leaves the shooter vulnerable to counterattack. When difficulties arise in close combat, it is important to use flashbang grenades to blind the enemy before attacking.
When shooting on the move, it is recommended to aim at head level and use the element of surprise when attacking from blind spots. It is important to avoid firing in the direction of your allies due to the high risk of "friendly fire".

The P90 is effective at eliminating opponents with low-capacity firearms due to its high rate of fire. The ability to fire in short bursts increases accuracy at medium distances and allows you to effectively hit targets in the chest and neck area.
At mid-range, it is recommended to take a seated stance and aim lower, which can lead to successful headshots. Avoid using automatic fire at long ranges due to high spread.
To maintain accuracy, you should fire in short bursts of 3-5 rounds, which will allow you to effectively hit targets at medium range without the need for headshots. At long distances, it is advisable to use single shots or short bursts and avoid direct collisions with opponents equipped with sniper rifles.
If you need to reload, look for a safe place or switch to a pistol. Global Offensive has reduced the P90's effectiveness against hardened targets and at long ranges, prioritizing close-range combat using a high rate of fire to overcome slow-firing enemy weapons.
The Global Offensive version also allows the use of "shoot through the doorway" tactics, allowing you to damage the enemy, using elements of the environment for protection and reloading.
Additional information: In every version of the Counter-Strike series, the P90 is equipped with a red dot sight, which is not used in Global Offensive. Visually, the P90 has undergone changes: in early versions the magazine was opaque, and in later versions it was transparent, allowing you to see the cartridges. Despite this, visually the store always looks full. In some versions of the game there were errors in the designation of cartridge calibers, which were corrected in subsequent updates.
P90 in numbers
- Damage — 25
- Armor penetration — 69%
- Rate of fire 857 rounds per minute
- Accurate range (meters) - 10m
- Reload time 3.3 seconds
- Magazine capacity 50
- Reserve ammo limit 100
- Running speed (hammer units per second) 230
- Kill award $300 (Competitive) $150 (Casual
- Penetration power 100
- Ammunition type 5.7 caliber
- Firing mode Automatic
- Recoil control 22 / 26 (61%)
- Range modifier 0.86
- Entity weapon_p90

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