Why does everyone hate Breeze?

Why does everyone hate Breeze?

Recently, the Breeze map was removed from the active map pool, meaning that for some time, we will not see it on the competitive scene or encounter it in ranked mode, but with the latest update, this did not affect other game modes. In this article, we will explore why a large portion of players reacted joyfully to such news and began celebrating that they won't see this map for a long time.

Map Size and Open Spaces

Huge Size

Breeze is one of the largest maps in Valorant, yet it only has two Spike planting sites, whereas other maps that are smaller than Breeze have three. The large size creates certain difficulties for players, as it forces them not only to change their style of play compared to other maps but also to reconsider the agents they play because some characters have a significant advantage over others due to the map’s size. This affects the pace of the game and requires a different strategy.

Open Spaces

Compared to other maps, Breeze has many open spaces and distant positions, making players vulnerable to snipers. The lack of sufficient cover causes players to constantly feel anxious, creating additional stress and forcing them to play specific characters that offer more options for cover.

Balance and Strategy

Impact of Agents

Due to the design features of Breeze, some agents have a significant advantage over others and are so essential that the win rate is much lower without them. For example, agents with high mobility are more likely to succeed. This creates an imbalance and forces players to choose certain agents over those they typically use. Agents such as Viper or Harbor are included in this list.

Complexity of Strategies

The size of the map and its layout complicate the development of effective strategies. It's difficult for teams to coordinate their actions, resulting in often chaotic attacks and defenses as players have to move long distances from one position to another. This leads to frustration and a decrease in game enjoyment.

Design and Color Palette

Bright Colors

The design of Breeze features very bright colors and strong lighting across much of the map, which can sometimes disorient players, especially when moving from darker areas of the map to lighter ones. The bright shades can make it more difficult to quickly spot and clearly see enemies, especially at a distance.

Complex Design

Many players complain about the complexity of the map's design. Countless passages, platforms, and levels create a labyrinth in which it's easy to get lost. This can lead to confusion, especially for new players who are not familiar with all the maps, making the features of Breeze particularly discomforting.

Technical Issues


Some players note that Breeze may require more computer resources than other maps. This could be due not only to its size but also because a large number of abilities are used simultaneously at various points on the map, particularly large-scale abilities like Viper’s walls or Harboar’s, and ultimate abilities of Breach, KAY/O, and others.

Bugs and Glitches

Although there are currently no bugs on the Breeze map, this does not mean there were none before. The map had a very high number of bugs, from minor visual ones to major ones that allowed players to hide within walls or plant the Spike outside the map boundaries.

For Map Lovers

If you are one of those who like this map and do not understand those who constantly complain about it and rejoice that it is gone from the active map pool, there is a small consolation. From the latest update, the map can still be found in other modes such as unrated, Swift Play, and others, but unfortunately, it won’t be found in ranked.

Changes Needed for Breeze

We analyzed the opinions of most players and concluded that changes are needed at each position for the map, in the community’s view, to become playable and remain in the active map pool.

B Main

 B Main
 B Main

One suggestion is to change the B Main point by removing the passage from the attackers' base to the window and removing the window position altogether. Instead, another passage to B Main could be added, which would help the attacking side take positions and diversify the gameplay on the map.

A Hall

A Hall
A Hall

Close the A Hall, which developers somehow opened after coming up with this idea and closed the possibility of passing in this position. Closing this position would help the defense better control the A site, which is already very vulnerable due to the possibility of quickly and safely emerging on it through Mid and A Main.

A Site

A Site
A Site

A Site is quite open and spacious, all that is there are two large pyramids, which in most cases are obstructive. Therefore, the idea is to reduce the position and remove one of the pyramids to make it harder for players to maneuver around them. This would help avoid losing foolish rounds for both the attacking and defending sides.

B Site

B Site
B Site

According to the community, B Site also needs changes, specifically the same as A Site. It's worth reducing its area by removing part of the back and adding additional cover in the form of a box, so it does not feel so empty and unprotected.

Changes in the Map Pool

Breeze is not the only map removed in recent updates. Along with it, Split also left the active map pool, which is also not one of the most beloved maps in Valorant, according to the author of the article. Instead, the all-time favorite and oldest map Haven was returned, and the newest map, which had not been in the game before, was added.

It is still unknown whether any changes will be made to Breeze and Split. However, based on past experience, almost all maps that were removed from the active map pool underwent changes before their return—some radical, some minor.


The Breeze map in Valorant undoubtedly provokes a lot of controversy. Its large size, open spaces, bright design, agent balance, and technical issues have made it unpopular among many players, some of whom wish and wait for the moment when it is completely removed from the game. Riot Games continues to work on improving the game, and perhaps in the future, we will see changes that will make Breeze more attractive to players.

Ultimately, each map has its unique features and challenges, and it's important that players continue to express their thoughts, helping developers create the best possible gaming experience.

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