Valorant Teams Rankings and Standings: Valorant World Ranking

Official Valorant Team Rankings show you the best Valorant teams in the world based on their recent performances.




Players / ACS

place 22

$650 000

  • benjyfishy

  • Wo0t

  • MiniBoo

  • RieNs

  • Boo

place 33

$580 000

  • Meteor

  • T3xture

  • Lakia

  • Munchkin

  • Karon

place 44

$390 000

  • zekken

  • Zellsis

  • johnqt

  • TenZ

  • Sacy

place 55

$375 000

  • C0M

  • kiNgg

  • Mazino

  • aspas

  • Tex

place 66

$240 000

  • valyn

  • JonahP

  • leaf

  • icy

  • trent

place 77

$220 000

  • Alfajer

  • Chronicle

  • Boaster

place 88

$185 000

  • Jinggg

  • something

  • f0rsakeN

  • mindfreak

  • d4v41

place 99

$150 000

  • Foxy9

  • BeYN

  • MaKo

  • BuZz

  • Flashback

place 1010

$100 000

  • Cryocells

  • bang

  • eeiu

  • Boostio

place 1111

$95 000

  • runneR

  • Kicks

  • trexx

  • ceNder

  • Sayf

place 1212

$95 000

  • yetujey


  • MrFaliN

  • cNed

  • qRaxs

place 1313

$70 000

  • mta

  • Shyy

  • keznit

  • Melser

  • heat

place 1414

$55 000


  • Autumn

  • Life

  • Lysoar

place 1515

$50 000

  • cxyy

  • FengF

  • HeiB

  • biankk

  • LuoK1ng

  • Kai

place 1616

$45 000

  • primmie

  • Surf

  • JitboyS

  • Governor

  • ban

  • Crws

place 1717

$39 711

  • AvovA

  • hype

  • soulcas


  • kaajak

place 1818

$35 000

  • cauanzin

  • Less

  • pANcada

  • tuyz

  • Saadhak

place 1919

$30 000

  • Suther

  • NagZ

  • delz1k

  • murizzz

  • snw

place 2020

$27 511

  • happywei

  • MarT1n

  • MrCANI

  • Kr1stal

  • Rarga

place 2121

$27 433

  • Vince

  • aNguiSt

  • DaviH

  • BennY

  • elllement

  • Chefstrobel

place 2222

$26 646

  • Urango

  • rood

  • Evilkyk

  • sato

  • lukxo

place 2323

$25 188

  • askia

  • pancc

  • raafa

  • dgzin

  • GuhRVN

place 2424

$25 000


  • Shin

  • tomaszy

  • marteen


place 2525

$24 000

  • Feniz

  • Jow

  • Virtyyyy

  • Mited

place 2626

$24 000

  • dos9

  • Tricky

  • sultan

  • PaRaDoXks

  • SkRossi

  • skillZ

place 2727

$23 500

  • Zander

  • neT

  • BcJ

  • Koalanoob

  • NiSMO

place 2828

$22 169

  • Celasun

  • Loita

  • Rose

  • Lar0k

  • standoff

  • ComeBack

place 3030

$21 915

  • silentzz

  • lz

  • PryZee

  • zap

  • spikeziN