How to Avoid a Match in Valorant

How to Avoid a Match in Valorant

In the competitive environment of Valorant, there are many different aspects that can affect the success of your game. One of them is dodging a match, which in some situations can save both your rating and your nerves. The reasons for such a decision can be numerous, ranging from toxic player behaviour or poor agent selection to an unfavourable atmosphere within your team. This time our editorial team will share with you several ways to dodge a match in Valorant to improve your game statistics.

Before we share these methods with you, let's understand what reasons might justify resorting to this method. Several factors may indicate the need to dodge a match:

1. Toxicity: If the pre-match lobby is saturated with toxicity, insults, or inappropriate behaviour, it may be wiser to avoid such a game to maintain a positive gaming experience.

2. Unbalanced teams: When the matchmaking system creates highly uneven teams, leading to almost certain defeat or unfair advantage, dodging can save precious time and avoid disappointment, and more importantly, preserve your rank.

3. Technical issues: Persistent connection problems or hardware issues on your end can seriously affect your ability to participate in the match, which justifies dodging to avoid a barrage of reports against you.

4. Personal circumstances: Competitive game players like those in Valorant often encounter real-life circumstances, sudden interruptions, or time constraints that may require dodging a match to attend to more important matters.


How to Dodge a Match in Valorant

Actually, there aren't too many ways to pull off such a trick, but we've gathered all available methods and will briefly describe their principles of operation so you can understand how they work.

It's important to clarify that dodging only works at the beginning of the game. If you suspect a problem, act immediately; this will minimise penalties for your account.

First Method

If you thought you'd find extensive instructions and combinations here to save you from an unfavourable game in Valorant, you're mistaken. The first and quite effective method will be to simply not choose an agent. By doing this, you'll be kicked from the game lobby after a while, and then you can resume searching for a match.

Second Method

A decent alternative to the first method could be to close the game using the Alt + F4 key combination or through the Task Manager, which will quickly rid you of the unwanted game.

Although dodging can be a valuable tool, it should not be abused. Save this trick for genuinely problematic situations, not just to avoid tough opponents or unfavourable map selections. Understand that dodging carries penalties, such as temporary bans from matchmaking.

Riot games Valorant
Riot games Valorant

Are There Penalties for Dodging Matches in Valorant?

In the world of Valorant, dodging matches is not without consequences. There are always repercussions, which can be not only irritating for you but also detrimental to your gaming experience. Let's take a closer look at these penalties to understand what might happen if you decide to dodge a match.

AFK Warnings:

The most common penalty for dodging a match in Valorant is the AFK warning. It usually appears if a player leaves the game or resorts to dodging, which can subsequently lead to more significant penalties.

Queue Removal:

The next level of punishment is queue removal. If, for any reason, you dodge agent selection or exit the game using the methods described above, the system will penalise you with a small temporary restriction on matchmaking.

Experience Loss:

For players who regularly resort to match avoidance methods, a restriction may be imposed that temporarily prevents them from earning experience in the game. This penalty, though seemingly harmless at first glance, will prevent you from gaining in-game experience, leading to a loss of valuable KC currency, which you can use to buy agents, player cards, and graffiti.

Valorant agents
Valorant agents

Rank Decrease:

Rank decrease is also a serious punishment for dodging matches and can significantly impact the quality of a player's future matches. Remember that it's in everyone's interest to stay in the match and not leave the game without reason. Therefore, resort to this method with all due responsibility and caution.

Rank Ban:

A rank ban removes a player from the competitive queue for a specified period. This means that the player won't be able to participate in ranked matches for the designated period of time. This measure serves as a warning, as the most severe punishment may follow.

Account Suspension:

The most serious penalty for dodging matches in Valorant is the suspension of the player's account. It occurs after multiple warnings and repeated rule violations. The duration of the suspension can be significant, and the player may be restricted from accessing the game for an extended period.

Thus, the consequences of dodging matches in Valorant are significant and can seriously affect a player's gaming experience. Therefore, it's important to remember about responsibility and to participate in matches until their completion to ensure a comfortable gaming experience for all participants.


This time, we've covered all the consequences and possibilities associated with dodging matches in Valorant. Thanks to this, you'll be able to use this method easily when needed. Once again, we remind you that frequent use of this method may result in a wave of penalties, so use this knowledge wisely and carefully.

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