Twistzz on CS2 problems: “All these problems become twice as bad when you ping 50+”
Twistzz on CS2 problems: “All these problems become twice as bad when you ping 50+”

Liquid captain Russell “Twistzz” Van Dalken shared his thoughts on the current state of CS2 on Twitter, sparking an active discussion among players and fans. He spoke about the main problems faced by players and noted that many of them are exacerbated by high ping.

Among the main problems:

- Shooting while running: Twistzz believes that shooting while running has become more accurate than in CS and it's more noticeable now.

- Slowdown when taking damage: The player's model starts to “slide” when he takes damage, which creates the feeling of “bouncing back”.

- Netcode: Twistzz drew attention to the fact that netcode is responsible for delays in kills and players getting stuck on respawn.

- Visibility when breaking smokes: Twistzz does not fully understand who has the advantage during such moments, calling them random.

- Avoiding flash drives: A player mentioned a delay when avoiding flashbangs. Even if the player manages to dodge, they can still be blinded.

- Ping: The impact of pinging remains unclear - Twistzz noted that the problems are exacerbated by pings over 50.

- Resetting accuracy: Twistzz admitted that sometimes shooting accuracy seems random.

- Accuracy reward: The number of headshots that look out of place reduces the fun of the game.


Community reaction

Twistzz's post sparked a discussion. EliGE shared a video explaining the accuracy issues while driving, noting that this bug has been around since CS. M80 Swisher also supported the problem with smoke, and slaxz- added that high ping gives an advantage to players who “ping” corners.

Summarizing, Twistzz noted that despite all the problems, the game remains fun, and he is looking forward to further improvements to CS2 from Valve.

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