Dust2 is one of the most "classic" maps in Counter-Strike. Despite its absence from the competitive map pool and its unavailability in Premier Mode and on FACEIT, it remains popular among players in regular matchmaking. We've created a detailed guide on Dust2 in CS2 to help you win all your matches on this map.
History of Dust2 map
The map de_dust2 is one of the most famous and recognizable maps in the world of computer games, especially in the Counter-Strike series. It got its name from its dusty and desert-like landscape, inspired by the Middle East. The map was created by Dave Johnson, also known as "DaveJ", and released in 2001 with Counter-Strike 1.1.
It quickly gained popularity due to its simple yet thoughtful design, allowing players to use various tactics and strategies.
With the advent of Counter-Strike 2, developers didn't change the map but only updated its visual component, mainly by applying new textures.
Positions on the map
To fully grasp the events on the map and understand the information your teammates communicate, it's important to learn the names of key positions on Dust2.

Playing defense
Let's start by understanding the player arrangement at the beginning of a round.
- 3 players cover Long and long
- 1 player plays around mid
- 1 player controls B
This is just the initial stage of the round. After securing areas near the long, two players can move towards A the short or assist in Mat mid.
Eventually, the map arrangement should look like this:
- 1 player controls A the long
- 1 player controls B the short
- 1 player plays around mid
- 2 players stand at B
This is done because, in case terrorists attack point A, the defense has a much better chance of retaking. However, when the bomb is planted at point B, the chances of retaking plummet.
Defense grenades
The number of grenades for defense you can use in your games is minimal. We'll just list and show how to throw the most useful ones:
- Flash behind your teammates on the long.

- Molotov in the box and behind the blue box.

- Smoke in the box from the car.

- Flash for your teammate to take the short.

For playing defense on point B, you need to throw a Molotov into the tunnel at the beginning of the round. Follow it up with a HE grenade that lands deeper for maximum damage. Once terrorists start coming out, throw a smoke at their feet to force them into the smoke, making it easy to eliminate them.
Playing offense
Playing offense isn't anything supernatural. Let's start by understanding the player arrangement:
- 1 player plays towards mid
- 1 player controls the upper and lower tunnels.
- 3 players cover Lthe long
Of course, there are rounds when you don't plan to take Longcover, and the player arrangement can be completely different, like when you focus on the center of the map.
- 2 players play through Ttunnels
- 2 players create aggression in the center of the map
- 1 player controls the push from Lthe long, sitting behind the car outside Long Doors.
As you can see, there are many variations of round plays on the map. Let's look at the grenades you'll need for all your preparations:
- Smoke in the doors and window at point B.

- Smoke at CT for a Mid to B round.

- Smoke at the exit from the short.

- Smoke at CT from Lon the long.

- Smoke at X-box (photo).

- Molotov at goose from the short.

- Molotov in site from the short.

- Molotov at the car from Box.

- Flashes on the long.

Ready Ttactics
Let's discuss the main strategies. The first, of course, is the legendary Rush B!
But there's not much to discuss here. All you need is smoke in the window and doors plus a couple of flashes over the top. That's it.
But let's look at more interesting strategies, like a slow exit to point A. Initially, one player goes to control the Uupper and Llower Ttunnels. The other four players try to take Longcover the long.
When taking Long covering the long, it's important to throw flashes at 1:49 on the round timer seconds; otherwise, they'll be useless.
After successfully taking Longcovering, only two players remain, who can play anywhere in this area and show no signs of life. The other two throw a smoke on the x-box, call the player from the tunnel, and Takecover the short.
It's important for the player in tunnels to not reveal their presence, just check the lower tunnel and stay there; they will play the lurker, taking out opponents from behind.
The two players, from the short and the long simultaneously start moving to site A with the following accompanying grenades:
- Smoke at the exit from the short
- Smoke at CT from the long
- Molotov at goose from the short
- Molotov in site from the short
- Molotov at the car from Box
That's it, a winning round is ready.
Mid to B
In a Mid to B round, you don't need to take Lcover the long. Just leave one player behind the car to control the push, and cover Mmid in any way.
Ideally, leave at least one player in the upper tunnel, so they later push out onto move to B from the tunnel, while you all cover the short and midcenter.
Then you just need to cut noise and play silentlymake a little silence for about 5-10 seconds, throw a smoke in CT, and run as a group to take out your opponents on B.
In conclusion, the Dust2 map remains one of the most popular and important maps in the Counter-Strike series. With its more than twenty-year history, it continues to attract players with its balance and unique atmosphere.
To succeed on this map, it's important to know key positions and strategies for both the defense and offense teams. Knowing positions and using the right grenades will help you and your team confidently participate in battles and win rounds.
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