DRX Valorant places its capsule on a large banner in Seoul and announces a contest with prizes

DRX Valorant places its capsule on a large banner in Seoul and announces a contest with prizes

The DRX organization is launching an advertising campaign for its capsule in the game Valorant and announces a contest for fans with valuable prizes.

The DRX club has placed an advertisement for its Valorant gaming items capsule on a large banner on its tower in Seoul and announced a contest for its fans with valuable prizes such as playoff tickets, team jerseys, and more.

To get a ticket in this draw, you need to take a photo next to this banner in Seoul and post it on social media with the hashtag #BuyTheDRXBundle. Detailed information about the draw can be found below.

Like other organizations, DRX is entering the race to most effectively advertise its capsule, with organizations from the American region having shown themselves most prominently in this regard, placing their capsules everywhere from Times Square to the shell at the MSG Sphere arena.

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