Riot Games may add global team rankings to Valorant following the example of League of Legends
Riot Games may add global team rankings to Valorant following the example of League of Legends

On September 19, Riot Games launched global team rankings in League of Legends, which caused a strong reaction in the esports community. The innovation has become the subject of discussion among fans of another popular project of the studio - Valorant. Players actively express their desire to see a similar system in their game.

Social media and Reddit users are discussing the possible benefits of rankings for the Valorant competitive scene. The main arguments in favor of the innovation include a clearer classification of teams and the ability to track their results throughout the season. Some fans believe that this could increase interest in playing at the professional level.

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Riot Games has not yet commented on the possibility of adding global team rankings to Valorant. However, the community continues to discuss this topic, expressing hopes for a similar feature in the future.

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