Bang from 100 Thieves: "I don't feel pressure when I'm the last player standing"

Bang from 100 Thieves: "I don't feel pressure when I'm the last player standing"

On June 3rd at the VCT 2024 Masters Shanghai tournament, where the 100 Thieves team defeated Paper Rex 2-1 and advanced to the semifinals. The key moment of the game was a 1v2 clutch on the Icebox map, which 100 Thieves player bang discussed at the post-match press conference.

In the lower bracket match, regional leaders 100 Thieves and Paper Rex faced off. This game was critically important as losing meant elimination from the tournament. On the decisive map, Icebox, the match went into overtime.

In the 25th round on Icebox, the Paper Rex team successfully planted the spike at point A. Thanks to a triple kill from player something, PRX created a 2v1 advantage. However, the last surviving player bang first eliminated something, then took out d4v41, managing to defuse the spike at the last moment and complete the clutch.

This clutch gave 100 Thieves the advantage, and in the next round, they successfully attacked point B, winning 14-12 and securing a place in the lower bracket semifinals.

At the post-match press conference, bang talked about how the team helps him in key moments of the game by providing necessary information:

Usually, when you're one-on-one or when there's only one player left on the team, teammates don't say much, but they communicate the most important things. It all depends on the timing, but mostly decisions are made intuitively. Personally, I don't feel a lot of pressure when I'm the last player standing. Honestly, I didn't expect to win. The most important thing is instinct.

This Friday, we'll see another performance from 100 Thieves on the international stage in Shanghai, where they will face Team Heretics for a spot in the lower bracket final.

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