Voice chat and microphone not working in Valorant: how to fix it
Voice chat and microphone not working in Valorant: how to fix it

Valorant is a tactical shooter where communication between players is essential. Whether you use voice chat, text, or simply rely on commands and pings, coordinating with teammates is key. However, many players face issues where Valorant’s voice chat doesn’t work, hindering team communication. This guide will help you quickly resolve this problem so you can get back to playing as soon as possible.

Common Causes:

  • Incorrect audio settings
  • Outdated audio drivers
  • Windows privacy settings
  • Firewall or antivirus blockages
  • Hardware issues
  • Riot repair tool availability
  • Use of the "Push to Talk" feature
  • Reinstalling Valorant

How to Fix Voice Chat and Microphone Not Working in Valorant

1. Check In-Game Audio Settings

If you recently reinstalled Valorant, updated it, or made changes to the Riot Games client, your settings may have reset. Start by verifying that voice chat settings are configured correctly:

  • Open the game settings in the top right corner.
  • Go to the “Audio” tab and select “Voice Chat.”
  • Check settings like “Output Device,” “Input Device,” “Incoming Voice Volume,” “Microphone Volume,” and “Enable Team and Party Voice Chat.” Ensure they are set and enabled properly.
  • After checking, confirm the microphone picks up your voice by observing the input indicator.

2. Update Audio Drivers

Riot Games regularly updates their game, so driver compatibility issues may arise. Before getting frustrated, check for driver updates:

  • Press Win + X and open “Device Manager.”
  • Locate audio input settings.
  • Right-click on your microphone and choose “Update Driver.”
  • If unsure of which driver you need, select automatic mode, and Windows will locate the latest version.
  • Restart your device after installation.
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3. Adjust Windows Privacy Settings

Windows may block applications from accessing your microphone, especially common for Windows 11 users. If you have a new device or recently updated your OS, check these settings first:

  • Press Win + I to open “Settings.”
  • Go to “Privacy & Security.”
  • Select “Microphone” under “Input Device.”
  • Enable “Allow apps to access your microphone.”
  • Find and enable “Allow desktop apps to access your microphone,” ensuring Valorant or Riot Client is on the list.

4. Allow Valorant Through the Firewall

Like any server-based game, Valorant may restrict voice chat due to firewall privacy settings. This can prevent the game from using your device’s audio, so make sure Riot Client and Valorant have the necessary permissions:

  • Press Win + R, enter control firewall.cpl, and press Enter.
  • Select “Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall” and adjust settings.
  • Locate Valorant and Riot Client. If they’re missing, click “Allow another app” and add their file paths.
  • Enable “Private and Public Networks” options for each and confirm your settings.

Alternative Method: Add exclusions for programs directly by navigating to Valorant at C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\VALORANT.exe and Riot Vanguard at C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\vgc.exe. This quick check may greatly improve your gaming experience.

5. Check Microphone Hardware

If you’ve tried everything above and your microphone still doesn’t work in Valorant, it might be time to check the headset itself:

  • Right-click the speaker icon on the taskbar and select “Sounds.”
  • Go to the “Recording” tab.
  • Speak into the microphone and see if the level indicator moves.
  • If there’s no activity, try reconnecting, testing with a different microphone, or plugging it into a different USB port.

6. Use Riot's recovery tool

If none of the points above have any effect on your microphone performance in Valorant, you can always use an additional utility developed by Riot Games Riot Repair Tool. Its task is to diagnose and report problems related to Riot Games games. Just download it from the official website and click the “Repair Tool” button, after which the program will automatically search for the problem. After the diagnostics are completed, it will create a “Riot Logs” folder, which you can send to support so that they can help you solve your problem.

7. Use Push to Talk

Also, sometimes simply rearranging the microphone settings can solve your problem with the operation of the input device.

  • In Valorant Voice Chat settings, set Voice Activation Mode to Push to Talk.
  • Assign a convenient key to the Push-to-talk key.
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8. Reinstall Valorant

As a last resort, reinstall the game.

  • Click Win + I, go to Applications, then Installed applications.
  • Find Valuing And Riot Client, press Delete.
  • Download the latest installer from Valorant official website.
  • Install the game and check the voice chat.

Voice chat is an important feature in Valorant, and not being able to communicate can be very frustrating. By following this guide, you'll be able to identify and fix issues that are preventing your microphone from working in-game. Remember to update your drivers and check your settings regularly to prevent future problems.

If you managed to fix the voice chat, but you are faced with problems related to not knowing the points on the map and cannot give the correct information, then you definitely need to read our material, which includes all the known Callouts in Valorant.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Question 1: Why can't my teammates hear me in Valorant?

Answer: This could be due to incorrect in-game audio settings, a disabled microphone, Windows privacy settings blocking access, or problems with the microphone hardware.

Question 2: Does Valorant support all microphone types?

Answer: Valorant supports most microphones recognized by Windows. However, some specialized or older devices may require special drivers or be incompatible.

Question 3: Can antivirus software affect voice chat in Valorant?

Answer: Yes, some antivirus or firewall settings may block Valorant's online features, including voice chat. Adding Valorant and Riot Client to the exclusion list may help.

Question 4: Why does my microphone work in other apps but not in Valorant?

Answer: This may be due to Valorant-specific settings or permissions. Make sure Valorant has access to your microphone in Windows privacy settings and that the correct input device is selected in the game.

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