Best spots on the Fracture map in Valorant for the defense side
Best spots on the Fracture map in Valorant for the defense side

Continuing our series on the best spots on various maps in Valorant for both sides, today we'll discuss the Fracture map, which was introduced in the game with update 3.05 released on September 8, 2021. This location is one of the most infamous in Valorant, but for the wrong reasons. Most of the community finds the map inconvenient due to a gap in the central part that can only be crossed using ziplines. Despite several redesigns, the community's opinion has not changed, and Fracture remains one of the least favored maps in Valorant. Today, the Bo3 editorial team has prepared material for you about the best spots on Fracture when playing on the defense side.

Point A



Due to the map's layout, each plant site has three main approaches, so the first spot on our list allows you to watch your back and the passage leading to the ziplines. Players typically choose a closed spot in the corner marked with a blue arrow. While this position is more protected, most players are aware of it, so it will almost always be checked. We recommend taking the position shown in the screenshot. From here, you will see enemies first and have a chance to escape by jumping down to the plant itself. The main downside of this position is that your back will be partially exposed to opponents coming from mid, so you need your teammates to watch other directions. The position itself is quite large, so you can choose your spot depending on the situation on the map.



The second spot is located right at the spawn point exit, and from here, you can assist an ally who is at the first position we described earlier. From this spot, you can covertly watch the entire Spike planting area and most of the possible approaches. However, remember that your back remains completely open to enemies rotating from plant B. Therefore, we also recommend frequently turning around to check the central passage. This way, you not only protect yourself but also help an ally who could be caught off guard.



The next spot is close to the previous one, and its functionality is almost the same. From this position, you can partially watch a small part of the plant and the passage we described in the first point. Additionally, you'll control the automatic doors leading to one of the passages. Attackers often use these doors because they allow them unexpectedly to flank the defenders. Like the previous spot, don't forget about your back. If you receive appropriate information, you just need to turn around, and you'll have a view of the passage that you can safely control or escape by jumping down if necessary.



A risky spot located directly above the Spike planting point. Although this position allows you to completely control the plant and all possible entries, it has several downsides. The main one is the lack of cover. You can only hide behind a small barrier at the corner, but remember that it is penetrable, so consider that there are virtually no covers at this position. Also, if you are outnumbered, it will be challenging to control multiple approaches on your own. In such cases, we recommend dropping down to the plant itself. There you can hide in a corner or behind a column, which will give you a better chance to survive and potentially eliminate an opponent planting the Spike.



The last point on plant B is radically different from all previous ones because it is designed for aggressive play. Although many players know and use this spot, it remains one of the most dangerous, and it is better to meet enemies directly at the plant. Despite the risks, this position allows you to gather necessary information about whether enemies are attacking plant A and how many there are. Moreover, with a precise shot or well-thrown ability, you can completely disrupt the enemy's attack. Therefore, we recommend using this position if you are confident in your shooting skills and are playing an agent who can easily escape and return to the plant to take a safer position.

Point B



A standard position known by most players, but this does not make it any less effective. From this point, you can control the main passage typically used by the attacking side, as well as two side passages leading to your spawn side. In case of danger, you can easily move right into a corner, allowing you to covertly wait for enemies. Moreover, the distance to the enemies remains moderate, enabling you to shoot effectively with most of the weapons available in the game. The presence of good cover and a moderate distance to the enemies make this one of the best positions on plant B.



The second spot in our list is almost entirely enclosed and allows you to control only one passage to mid. This position is protected by a large box, which prevents enemies from unexpectedly appearing behind you. Use this spot when the opponents are mostly entering plant B, and you cannot effectively hold the defense. In such cases, you can covertly hide at this position, which, by focusing on the sound of the Spike being planted, can disrupt the enemies. Additionally, this position is effective for saving weapons. For instance, if the attacking side has taken plant A and planted the Spike, and you are alone, it is not worth losing valuable weapons, so you can escape to this spot to safely wait out the round or even catch and eliminate an unsuspecting enemy.



The next position is located on an elevation, which can be accessed by a zipline or through the west side of plant B. From this point, you can control another part of the map from which enemies may also advance. Also, do not forget about the underground passage, where attackers often hide. Moreover, this position is quite versatile, as you can always return to the plant by running through the protected corridor. However, do not forget that the position itself is small and narrow. So if enemies pin you down from both sides, they might simply bombard you with abilities, and you will have no chance to retreat.



The last spot in our list is similar to the second point, with the difference being that this position is not as protected. From here, you can also control the passage to mid and plant A. Additionally, you can watch plant B by turning around, and your view will cover the entire Spike planting area. Note that this spot is not very popular due to its openness and danger. From this position, you almost have no chance to escape, and the only cover you can use is a small corner that will not completely protect you. Therefore, we recommend considering the situation and occupying other positions, using this spot only when you have no other choice.


After reading our material, you learned about the best spots on the Fracture map when playing on the defense side at both Spike planting points. Note that the map has a variety of positions, and it is not advisable to use the same ones every time. We have only discussed the best spots, which, in our editorial team's opinion, will bring the most benefit when used.

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