Best spike plant spots on maps from pro scene players
Best spike plant spots on maps from pro scene players

Professional Valorant players demonstrate incredible skill levels, making it essential for ordinary viewers to learn from them. This includes not only map positioning, shooting, agent use, but also selecting the right spike planting spot. While many players, especially newcomers, overlook this aspect because during a dynamic and fast-paced match it is quite difficult to do, choosing the wrong spot for spike placement is a mistake that needs to be corrected. Therefore today, our team has prepared material for you in which we will discuss the best spike planting spots across various maps in Valorant used by professional players.

Why it’s important to plant the spike correctly

To begin, we would like to explain why it is important to plant the spike correctly. First and foremost, the correct position will help you gain an advantage when playing as the attacking side and win the round. Of course, if the timer is running out and enemies are pressuring you from all sides, you simply do not have time to plant the bomb correctly. But if you have entered the site calmly and have enough time, we recommend planting the spike correctly. By doing this, you will be able to:

  • Control the spike
  • Utilize the map’s features
  • Prevent enemies from defusing it from a safe distance
  • Use abilities to protect the spike

Now that you have learned why proper spike placement is important, we will show you examples of the best spots on each map using the experience of professional players and their moments in major international events.


The best spike plant spots on Icebox are demonstrated by the Argentinian team Leviatán, who placed 3rd in this year’s World Championship and have a 74% win rate on this map.

Site A


On A site, the Argentinian team often plants the spike on the elevated platform within the site. While this is quite a risky spot during planting, once the spike is set, it is very easy to control from all directions, and enemies cannot defuse it unnoticed.

Site B


Site B is similar in structure to Site A, but the Argentinian pros prefer a straightforward position. Although many also plant the spike on top or in the corner marked by an arrow, this simultaneously reduces visibility for the attacking players. Therefore, Leviatán mostly plants the spike as shown above in most of their matches.

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Next, we analyze Sunset based on the current world champions EDward Gaming. The Chinese team impressed everyone with their results this year, boasting a 75% win rate on Sunset, although recent map changes may lead to different spike planting spots in the future.

Site A


On Site A, the Chinese team most often plants the spike in a corner. Although this position is very exposed, players have the opportunity to control it from two possible entry points to the site. Therefore, the planted spike can be monitored even from outside the site.

Site B


As mentioned above, Site B has undergone significant changes, and therefore there is currently no information on where professional teams plant the spike on it. After the first tournaments of the new competitive season begin, we will definitely update this material.


The next map has three spike planting sites, and we will show them using the example of the strongest team in the EMEA region, Team Heretics. The team had a great season, and their overall win rate on Haven is 76% over 62 matches.

Site B


This site is the most popular on the map because it is quite easy to enter. However, there are not many good spike planting spots here, so even professional players usually plant the spike in one of the two corners near the central box.

Site C


On Site C, Team Heretics plants the spike in this spot near the box. The main reason for doing this is that the spike will be fully controlled from the long pathway, allowing you to defend it from a safe distance.

Site A


On the last Site A, there are no special planting spots, so professional players usually plant the spike behind the box to prevent visibility from the window marked in the screenshot.


For Ascent, we will look at the North American team G2 Esports, whose players only joined the VCT scene last year but have already shown excellent results.

Site B


On Site B, the team most often places the spike right by the entrance to the closed room. This position is quite unusual, but it allows controlling the planted spike without leaving cover, making it quite effective in certain game moments.

Site A


Unlike the previous site, on Site A, G2 players use a classic spot known to most regular players. In the left corner behind the box, the spike will have the best protection, and at the same time, a small overview, so defenders have the opportunity to defuse it quickly.

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The best spike planting spots on Split will be analyzed using another North American team, Sentinels.

Site A


On Site A, players plant the spike in this corner because it is the only spot outside the main site. With this, players can monitor the planted bomb even while being outside the site, which becomes quite problematic for enemies.

Site B


On Site B, there is nothing special, and Sentinels players plant the spike in a location known to all players. Therefore, nothing new can be said about this spot.


The Lotus map has three spike planting sites, and not all teams know how to execute properly on it. One of those who perform well on this location is the Korean team Gen.G Esports, with a 58% win rate over 33 matches.

Site B


Site B is the least popular among regular players, but professionals often choose it because it is quite easy to reach. However, unlike this, there are not many spike planting spots, so professional players usually choose the corner near the box.

Site C


At this position, Gen.G players plant the spike not on the upper part, which means they prefer defense from elevated positions. This gives them an advantage over opponents approaching from below.

Site A


On the last site, the team most often does not go deep into the site and tries to plant the spike in the corner near the box at a distance from closed areas. This allows avoiding danger, but at the same time, this position is quite difficult to control once the spike is planted.


The best spots on the Bind map will again be analyzed using the example of the current world champions. The team performs excellently on this location, with a 69% win rate over 77 matches.

Site B


On Site B, the team always makes the right decision and does not plant the spike inside the metal container. It should be noted that you should not plant it inside because it greatly reduces visibility and you lose the opportunity to defend it. You should do as EDward Gaming does and plant the spike in one of the two corners.

Site A


On Site A, EDward players use the standard spike planting spot when entering the site from mid. This position allows planting the spike very quickly, and with the help of the box, you will be partially covered from enemies.

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The Breeze map is one of the least popular in Valorant. It has been revamped several times and is currently removed from the active pool of available locations. However, despite this, it is necessary to know where to plant the spike better on this sunny beach, and we will show you how to do it correctly using the example of the Korean team DRX.

Site A


On Site A, there are quite a few different positions, but the Korean team usually plants the bomb exactly as shown in the screenshot. Although most teams and players choose the opposite side, the DRX position is also quite good and allows controlling the spike from a distance.

Site B


On Site B, there are no special features, and the team plants the spike in the safest spot for attacking players. However, it should be noted that the spike itself can be controlled from afar, and this can be done especially well from the window located behind where the attacking players approached.


The Pearl map is also not particularly popular, so we will show the best spots on it using the example of the Chinese team FunPlus Phoenix, which has a 64% win rate over 14 matches played on this location.

Site B


Both sites on this map are difficult to control, so the key factor is the passage through the central part of the map. As soon as the team succeeds in this, they plant the spike in the indicated spot and partially retreat. This allows them to control the planted bomb from many positions, including long.

Site A


On Site A, everyone prefers one spot for planting the spike, and FunPlus Phoenix is no exception. The team plants the bomb near the central box, and although the position is quite inconvenient, there are no special alternatives.


The last map in our list is Abyss, which was introduced to Valorant not so long ago, specifically four months ago. Therefore, most professional teams rarely choose it due to unfamiliarity with all its intricacies, and in major tournaments, the map is not yet a frequent guest. However, among all professional teams that have competed on it, the Gen.G Esports team performed the best, with a 100% win rate over three matches. Using their example, we will show the spike planting spots.

Site B


At Site B, the team plants the spike as far to the left of the site as possible, sometimes even close to the abyss, as seen in the screenshot above. This placement allows being partially protected from enemies during planting, thanks to the long box.

Site A


This site is quite well-known, and everyone tries to plant the spike on this narrow bridge. The reason is that it is very easy to control the planted spike, and when the enemy starts to defuse it, you can prevent them using most abilities and even drop it down.

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