The best Valorant Agents for Beginners
The best Valorant Agents for Beginners

With dozens of unique Agents available in Valorant, the variation distinguishes Riot Games' shooter from other FPS genre representatives. Typically, the variety of available heroes becomes the main issue for beginners. To solve this problem, we offer a short top five of the simplest characters suitable for beginners in Valorant.

As of today, there are 27 agents in the game. Each has unique abilities, but understanding them all requires significant experience. However, using our top five list, you can quickly adapt to most of Valorant's mechanics.


Our list begins with the Chinese representative of the Sentinels - Sage. She is easy to master while bringing immense benefits to the team. Her main ability, Healing Orb, which makes her a great support and ideal choice for beginners. Every 45 seconds, it allows you to heal an ally by 100HP or restore 50HP to yourself. With it, you can always stay behind the fight and heal your teammates. Her ultimate is Resurrection - allows you to bring any of your teammates back to life.



Reyna is a duelist, and all that is required of this agent is the ability to shoot accurately. Her unique feature is that after killing an enemy, a soul appears in its place. You can interact with it to restore HP or enter an astral form, preventing damage. This makes Reyna an ideal for beginners with good aim, as after each fight you can heal and continue to fight. Her other ability, Leer, is purchased for 250 credits and blinds all enemies looking in the direction of your skill.

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Phoenix is an explosive duelist who has mastered fire control. His unique Hot Hands ability is a fireball that damages enemies on impact and heals Phoenix himself if you hit him. Curveball is an ability that allows him to fire blinding projectiles at different angles to disorient enemies at a cost of 250 credits. His ultimate is Run It Back - allows to place a marker for 10 seconds and if Phoenix dies during its duration or the timer expires, he will revive at the marked location with full health.



The Controller Brimstone brings benefits to his team with his remote abilities. Using the Sky Smoke skill, you can place three smoke screens that block the view of enemies. One charge of the ability is free, while the others cost 100 credits each. His ultimate is Orbital Strike can also be directed at any point on the map, allowing you to avoid direct combat. The usefulness of this ability is to control spike landing points or destroy enemies while they can be jammed into position.



Colombian agent Tejo combines reconnaissance, suppression and powerful damage. His unique Guided Salvo ability unleashes a barrage of missiles at predetermined points, forcing enemies out of cover. His Stealth Drone allows for safe information gathering and suppressing enemies upon activation and costs 300 credits. Armageddon, his ultimate ability, creates a wave of explosions along a chosen trajectory, creating the perfect conditions for an attack. These abilities make Tejo great at detecting and eliminating threats.

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Breach is a Swedish initiator capable of breaking through enemy defenses with powerful seismic attacks. His unique ability, Breach Line, creates a seismic wave that stuns enemies in the target area. Flashpoint, a blinding pulse that travels through surfaces and instantly blinds all enemies in its path; Breach has two of these abilities in stock, each costing 250 credits. The last ability, Rolling Thunder, is similar to Fault Line but has a larger area of effect and pushes enemies upwards



Clove is a mysterious Scottish agent who plays on the edge between life and death. Her Prior ability is Ruse which creates smokes and this ability can even be used after death. Pick-Me-Up allows Clove to absorb the life energy of fallen opponents, granting increased speed and heals for 100 HP as temporary health. Their ultimate ability, Not Dead Yet, enables Clove to resurrect after dying, but to fully return, they need to help or secure a kill.



Last on our list, but no less effective, is the sentinel from France – Chamber. His unique ability, Rendezvous, allows you to place a sensor that you can teleport to at any moment to avoid combat or simply regroup. Headhunter provides a heavy pistol that is better than the Sheriff but comes with only 8 rounds of ammo, each costing 150 credits. His ultimate ability, Tour de Force, grants a powerful sniper rifle capable of killing an enemy with a single shot if it hits the upper body.


Now you know which Agents are considered the best for beginners in Valorant. We want to emphasize that in reality, the difficulty of each Agent only corresponds to your level of experience. After a few months of playing, you will be able to master most of the characters that previously seemed extremely complicated. Keep practising and follow our portal to learn more interesting articles and selections about agents and other aspects of Valorant.

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