Significant changes to VCT Ascension in 2025: Teams will have a chance to retain their slot in VCT

Significant changes to VCT Ascension in 2025: Teams will have a chance to retain their slot in VCT

Riot Games has announced significant changes to VCT Ascension that will take effect next year. These changes will affect teams that have progressed into the partner league from Challengers.

One problematic aspect for teams that made the difficult transition from the Challengers league to VCT was that they only secured their spot for two years. After this period, teams would drop down a level and had to go through the same process again. Riot Games has addressed this issue and announced changes to the system that will start from the next season.

Among the major changes, it is noteworthy that teams will now secure their slot for one year instead of two. However, there is a positive side: they will have the opportunity to retain their place in the league if they perform well.

The partner league will have a maximum of twelve teams. Teams from Challengers who reach the Champions level (Top-4 of the league) will retain their spot. If they finish in the Top-8, they will have to defend their slot in Ascension. If a team fails to reach the playoffs in Stage 2, it will be sent back to the Challengers league the following year.

Changes in VCT Ascension
Changes in VCT Ascension

On one hand, such innovations will improve the situation, but on the other, a team that has risen from Challengers will have little time to adapt at such a high level. This could hinder their ability to perform at their best, and they could easily leave the league in the same year they ascended.


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