Paper Rex has decided not to renew the contract with Benkai
  • Transfers

  • 21:44, 31.08.2023

Paper Rex has decided not to renew the contract with Benkai

Team player of Paper Rex, Benedict "Benkai" Tan, announced on his Twitter account that the organization has allowed him to search for a new team for the next season.


Paper Rex has allowed me to seek opportunities as a restricted free agent. I'm ready to relocate, committed to continue fiercely competing, and am open to receiving offers.

Benkai is the second player to leave the squad after Paper Rex's impressive performance in the Pacific region and on the international stage. The other player is Wang "Jinggg" Jing Jie, who will serve in the army after the season ends, read more about it in our material. It is worth noting that the team took second place at Valorant Champions 2023 and became one of the richest teams in Valorant in terms of total prize money won; you can read more details here.

Paper Rex Team Roster:


Neither the organization nor the player commented on the changes. The player was benched three months ago and today announced that he is looking for a new team for next season.

Paper Rex signs PatMan as the sixth player in the Valorant lineup
Paper Rex signs PatMan as the sixth player in the Valorant lineup   

Benkai's Future

Benedict "Benkai" Tan won't take much time to find a new squad, as he's ready to move to any region to play with a team. He's an experienced player and captain with a plethora of achievements. It's likely that the player will join the Chinese region since currently, Chinese teams are actively looking for such players, as many organizations are forming rosters to participate in the Chinese league, whose first season will start in 2024.

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