Information on the future battle pass in Valorant has surfaced online
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  • 18:51, 19.10.2023

Information on the future battle pass in Valorant has surfaced online

From a private presentation of the new agent ISO, about whom we wrote in a previous article, information has also emerged about the contents of the future battle pass. It is planned to be released alongside the launch of the third act of the seventh episode.

One of the participants in the closed showing of the new agent ISO published a brief video overview of the contents of the future battle pass. It includes three new collections and a knife, available at the final 50th level. The battle pass, as always, is divided into free and paid rewards, which can be obtained for 1,000 VP.

The knife for the last level
The knife for the last level
The “Libretto” collection
The “Libretto” collection
The “Silhouette” collection
The “Silhouette” collection

The new battle pass will appear in the game together with the launch of the new act of the 7th episode - November 1, 2023, and will end with its conclusion. On average, an act lasts about 60 days, this time is enough to level up the battle pass to the 50th level without the need for additional donations, by performing daily and weekly tasks.

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