New Agent ISO: Abilities, Release Date and More
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  • 17:15, 19.10.2023

New Agent ISO: Abilities, Release Date and More

Information has emerged online, including gameplay videos of all the abilities of the upcoming agent ISO. His official announcement took place on October 19, and he will appear in the next Act 7 episode. In our article, we will dissect all his abilities, his contract, and his release date.

ISO, like all other agents, will have three standard abilities and one ultimate. Most of them will be oriented toward individual play and shooting skills, as previously reported by Riot Games.

Contingency (C)

EQUIP to assemble prismatic energy. FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets

Undercut (Q)

EQUIP a molecular bolt. Fire to throw it forward, applying a brief FRAGILE to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls

Valorant Patch Notes 10.04 — New Agent, Map Rotation, and more
Valorant Patch Notes 10.04 — New Agent, Map Rotation, and more   

Double Tap (E)

START a focus timer. Once completed, enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage generate an energy orb. Shooting this orb grants you a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source.

Kill Contract (X)

EQUIP an interdimensional arena. FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.

In addition to abilities, information about items and skin included in his contract has also been leaked.

The new agent ISO will appear in the game with the launch of the new Act 7 episode - on November 1, 2023. He will be the last character released this year. Access to the agent will require spending either free or premium in-game currency, specifically 1,000 VP or 8,000 Kingdom Kredits.

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