To achieve success in the shooter from Riot Games, one needs to know and use a variety of different aspects. Players should learn the skills of all allied and enemy agents to properly assess the situation, have a good level of shooting, as well as navigate the map. But, in addition to all the listed aspects, there is another, no less important, and that is the minimap. Thanks to it, you can find out what is happening in a particular area of the location and get all the useful information. Today, the Bo3 editorial team has prepared for you a guide on the minimap in Valorant, so that our readers
What is a minimap?
Each of the available maps in Valorant has its unique landscape. It combines various corridors, shelters, boxes, and everything else that is present on the map. To see all the above, you need to press the M button, and a large map will open up.

However, during a dynamic match, there is simply no time to open a large map, because at this moment you can easily be killed, and you are distracted from more important moments. That is why the developers of Valorant came up with its reduced version - the minimap. It is located in the upper left corner of the screen and represents a reduced version of the regular map. The minimap in Valorant is so convenient that players usually use the regular version only for markings, and in the rest, they rely on the minimap.

Features of the minimap
Since the minimap is a reduced version of the regular map, its functionality is extensive, but not as large. First of all, orienting yourself on it, you can see the direction of the agent's gaze you are playing, which is very important when using some directional skills. Also important is that during movement, a circle will be displayed around your agent's icon. This is the radius in which enemies hear the sound of movement and your steps. Such a function will allow you to navigate well when entering the Spike installation point, and in many other situations.

Interestingly, the minimap also displays most of the skills that were applied to the ground, among them the Sage wall, smokes of all agents, Sova scan, and many others. Also important is that the direction of important directed skills is displayed, among which are Sova and Fade's ultimates.

Among the negative features, it can be noted that the minimap does not display the size of the real map, but only shows it according to your location. That is, if you stand at the beginning of the defense side, then to see the attack side you will need to go to the middle of the location. This can be corrected in the settings, which we will tell you about below. Also, as a minus, it can be noted that it is not possible to place marks on the minimap, for this, you need to open a large map, and this can be dangerous, for the reasons described above.
READ MORE: Best Valorant Maps
Minimap Settings
If you are not satisfied with the standard size of the minimap, Riot Games have allowed you to customize it in detail. To do this, you need to open the settings section, and find the General tab. Scroll down, and you will see several map parameters.

The most important of them is the third point, which is responsible for centering your icon on the minimap. If you turn off centering, you will be able to see the entire minimap as a whole, thus correcting the problem we wrote about above. Also below, you can adjust the size of the minimap itself, and also zoom in or out. If you do not want to customize your minimap manually, it is worth finding out what values professional players use. Esports athletes perfectly adjust all aspects of the game, including the minimap, so you can borrow settings from them.
- Rotate / Fixed Orientation: Rotate / Based on Side
- Keep Player Centered: On
- Minimap Size: 1.2
- Minimap-Zoom: 1
- Minimap Vision Cones: On
- Show Map Region Names: Always
- Rotate / Fixed Orientation: Rotate / Based on Side
- Keep Player Centered: On
- Minimap Size: 1.2
- Minimap-Zoom: 0.824
- Minimap Vision Cones: On
- Show Map Region Names: Never
How to use the minimap correctly?
The main rule of proper use of the minimap is its constant control. Constant monitoring of the minimap will allow you to keep track of everything that happens in the game. And proper use is an important component, which is often the key to a successful round and victory in the match. We recommend constantly watching the minimap, if you are not playing with friends, and do not have the opportunity to communicate, it will become your main source of information. On the minimap, you can easily track the entire situation in the game, if your ally is killed, you can always find out exactly where, and avoid a certain section, or vice versa, prepare for an attack. Use the minimap to plan team actions. If you do not have the opportunity to tell your allies about your attack or defense plans in voice chat, use the minimap for this. Place marks on the regular map where to go, or what to beware of, thanks to this allies will receive the necessary information.
In conclusion, we want to note that the minimap is an incredibly useful and necessary tool for a comfortable game in Valorant. Using all its functionality, which we described above, you can easily turn the result of the round in your favor. Therefore, we recommend not to neglect all its important aspects, which will ultimately bring great benefit to you and your team.
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