Star of Brazilian esports in Valorant Aspas: Path to success, key achievements, and future prospects
Star of Brazilian esports in Valorant Aspas: Path to success, key achievements, and future prospects

In the esports world of Valorant, few players have risen to the top as quickly and decisively as Erick "aspas" Santos. Known for his exceptional gameplay, aspas has established himself as one of the brightest stars on both the Brazilian and international Valorant scenes. In this article, we will explore the life, career, and settings of this outstanding player, delving into his journey to fame and the elements that help him conquer the best player lists worldwide.

Taken from the social X account of Erick "aspas" Santos
Taken from the social X account of Erick "aspas" Santos

Early years and rise to fame

Aspas was born on August 4, 2003, making him one of the youngest talents on the professional Valorant scene. Despite his young age, aspas has already made a name for himself with impressive results. Growing up in Brazil, a country with a rich esports culture, aspas quickly became fascinated with competitive gaming, initially playing Valorant.

For a long time, the Brazilian played for the team SICK, whose performances drew attention and allowed him to join LOUD. This transition was a turning point in Santos's career: with the new team, he secured his first A-tier victory, winning the title at the VCT 2022: Brazil Stage 1 Challengers. After this, the team advanced to the VCT 2022: Stage 1 Masters - Reykjavík, where Santos and LOUD finished second in the finals, losing to OpTic Gaming.

Throughout the VCT Tour 2022, LOUD and aspas showed steady growth, but they faced a crushing defeat at the VCT 2022: Stage 2 Masters - Copenhagen, leaving the team at the lower end of the standings. Despite this, the Brazilian club managed to exceed all expectations and ended the year with the most significant results in its history.

Aspas's team and major career achievements

Aspas has long been a key player for LOUD, one of the leading esports organizations in Brazil. Since joining the team, he has consistently demonstrated his value, helping the team secure top placements at various tournaments. His contribution was crucial to the club's success, especially during the Valorant Champions Tour 2022, where they made a significant impression on the international stage and won the VALORANT Champions 2022, claiming their first championship title.

Taken from the social X account of Erick "aspas" Santos
Taken from the social X account of Erick "aspas" Santos

Much to the dismay of fans, after leaving LOUD, aspas successes began to wane. With his move to the Argentine club Leviatán, the player’s biggest achievement became winning the VCT 2024: Americas Stage 2, after which the club qualified for the VALORANT Champions 2024, where, at the time of writing, they are in the upper bracket semifinals, competing against EDward Gaming for a spot in the final battle.

Settings and Devices of Aspas in 2025
Settings and Devices of Aspas in 2025   

Technical aspects: Aspas’s settings and playstyle

For many aspiring players, understanding and emulating the settings of top professionals like aspas is a crucial part of the gaming experience. However, it's important to remember that his settings are tailored for an aggressive playstyle.

Aspas’s Crosshair: His crosshair is set for optimal visibility and accuracy, usually a small, static crosshair in blue or green that stands out against most game scenes without being distracting.

DPI 800
Sensitivity 0.4
Scoped Sensitivity 1
ADS Sensitivity 1
eDPI 320
Hz 4000
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input Buffer on

Mouse Sensitivity: Aspas prefers a low sensitivity, approximately 0.32 at 800 DPI. This allows him to aim more precisely, which is crucial for his role as a duelist where the first shot can determine the outcome of the duel.

Color Cyan
Crosshair Color #00ffff
Outlines Off
Center Dot Off
Show Inner Lines On
Inner Line Opacity 1
Inner Line Length 4
Inner Line Thickness 2
Inner Line Offset 2
Movement Error Off
Firing Error Off
Show Outer Lines Off
Movement Error Off
Firing Error Off

Keybinds and Configurations: His keybinds are designed to enhance reaction speed, with crucial abilities mapped to easily accessible keys, allowing him to respond quickly in tense situations.

Walk L-Shift
Crouch L-Ctrl
Jump Space Bar / Mouse Wheel Down
Use Object F
Equip Primary Weapon 1
Equip Secondary Weapon 2
Equip Melee Weapon 3
Equip Spike 4
Use/Equip Ability: 1 C
Use/Equip Ability: 2 Q
Use/Equip Ability: 3 E
Use/Equip Ability X

Resolution and Video Settings: Before adopting aspas’s resolution and video settings, make sure your monitor supports the desired resolution and refresh rate. While using these settings may improve your gameplay, results depend not only on them but also on your own skills and comfort. Don’t overlook comfort by blindly following professional recommendations—choose settings that truly work for you.

Resolution 1920x1080
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Aspect Ratio Method Fill
Display Mode Fullscreen
Multithreaded Rendering On
Material Quality Low
Texture Quality Low
Detail Quality Low
UI Quality Low
Vignette Off
VSync Off
Anti-Aliasing None
Anisotropic Filtering 1x
Improve Clarity Off
Experimental Sharpening Off
Bloom Off
Distortion Off
Cast Shadows Off
Enemy Highlight Color Yellow (Deuteranopia)

Aspas’s Statistics

Over the past 15 days, aspas has shown impressive results. His average ACS (Average Combat Score) is 237.4, with a maximum of 335.5. He averages 1.0 kills per match, with a best of 1.23. His average deaths per match is 0.5, with a best stat of 0.45. Aspas also has high numbers for opening kills (0.2) and headshots (0.7), with maximum values of 0.282 and 0.86, respectively. His average cost per kill is 3663, with a highest value of 4359. Over the past 30 days, he has been observed playing the following agents: Jett (11 matches), Neon (6 matches), and Reyna (5 matches).


Aspas is more than just a player; he is a genius representing the future of Brazilian esports. His settings, statistics, and playstyle are closely studied by fans and aspiring players eager to learn from one of the best. As he continues to develop his career and skills, the esports world will undoubtedly watch to see the heights he will reach in the future.

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