Why is choosing Challengermode to host qualifications for PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 a complete failure?
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  • 22:43, 14.01.2024

Why is choosing Challengermode to host qualifications for PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 a complete failure?

Today, the Twitter user posted about their experience playing in qualifiers on the Challengermode platform. Many players in the comments confirmed their words.

Runah wrote a "cry from the heart," describing the main problems of the platform. He also shared his personal experience playing in the open qualifiers for PGL Major Copenhagen 2024.  

For readability, the author divided everything into subsections, which we will fully outline below. Runah titled his post: "What's the joke PGL, Challengermode?"

At the beginning, the author highlighted the pressing problems:

  • Problems with the anti-cheat system accompanied the entire tournament, while cheaters were defeating professional teams. 
  • Teams and players faced difficulties connecting because of the anti-cheat.The organization of the competition brackets was severely disrupted. 
  • The existing waiting list turned out to be non-functional. The functionality for editing team compositions did not work properly. 
  • The developers failed to successfully organize a tournament for 2048 teams. Messages with criticism were removed by administrators, not ready to accept negative feedback.

Afterward, Runah described his experience playing in three PGL qualifiers. It's worth noting that he didn't participate in the first one, so he cannot comment on it. But we already know that it was full of cheaters, and the matches started 1.5 hours after the tournament's beginning.


The Challengermode site was constantly crashing, and players felt that their in-game issues were being handled by only 2-3 administrators, who physically couldn't cope with the stream of complaints.

Here's how Runah experienced the PGL Major | EU Open Qualifier #2:

1 hour for the enemy team to join because of anti-cheat issues.

PGL Major | EU Open Qualifier #3 was even more interesting for Runah:

We were number 80 in the waiting list. There were 800 confirmed teams and 200 "Not Ready." This should have meant that the first 200+ teams in the waiting list would participate, but this did not happen. Teams that were "Not Ready" still participated in the tournament, resulting in 70+ games being marked as "Admin-completed" or "Walkover" (not played at all).

PGL Major | EU Open Qualifier #4 turned out to be a disappointment for Runah even before it started. Instead of adding another round for 2048 teams and conducting a BO1 on the second day, the organizers decided to squeeze the tournament into a three-day window. Runah and his team were ready to play on Sunday at 15:00, but to their surprise, they were placed in Bracket B, which meant their game was scheduled for January 15. Due to the inability of Runah's team members to arrive on that day, they were forced to withdraw from participation.


Despite all these problems, Runah's team could have tried to replace the missing players with new members for the game on January 15, but it turned out that the team composition editing function either did not exist or did not work, depriving them of the opportunity to participate in the tournament.

Currently, the fourth qualifier for the first-ever major in Counter-Strike 2 is underway, read more about it here.


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