7.37e patch and LeBronDoTa thoughts on it
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7.37e patch and LeBronDoTa thoughts on it

The Dota 2 7.37e update has already sparked lively discussions within the community, with changes targeting several key heroes and items. Terrorblade and Invoker are at the center of attention, raising the question: has Valve done enough to balance these heroes? Here’s a breakdown of the most significant updates:

Hero Changes


Terrorblade received small nerfs that could slightly impact his early game dominance:

  • Reflection mana cost increased to 45/50/55/60.
  • Level 10 talent cooldown reduction for Reflection weakened from 5 to 4 seconds.

Despite these changes, Terrorblade remains a strong meta pick, especially for late-game scaling.

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While the patch includes minor adjustments, many players feel they aren't enough to weaken Invoker’s impact:

  • E.M.P. pull speed with Aghanim’s Shard decreased from 175 to 150.
  • Cold Snap mana cost increased to 100.

These changes may slightly hinder Invoker’s ability to dominate fights but leave his core playstyle intact.

Earth Spirit

Earth Spirit’s versatility is slightly diminished due to nerfs to his talents and spell effects:

  • Boulder Smash creep damage multiplier reduced from 1.4 to 1.25.
  • Multiple talents reworked or nerfed, such as:
  • Level 10: Spell damage bonus reduced from 10% to 8%.
  • Level 20: Replaced cooldown reduction on Geomagnetic Grip with a 250 bonus range to Rolling Boulder.

These tweaks may push Earth Spirit further out of the competitive meta, as his impact becomes harder to maintain.

Wraith King

Wraith King’s role as a reliable tank and damage dealer sees slight adjustments:

  • Base armor increased by 2.
  • Vampiric Spirit lifesteal reduced to 16/24/32/40%.
  • Mortal Strike critical damage changed from 150/200/250/300% to 160/200/240/280%.

While the lifesteal nerf might hurt sustain, the critical damage adjustment compensates, keeping Wraith King viable for mid-to-late-game engagements.

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Dragon Knight's Win Rate Dropped by 4% After Patch 7.38b   

Item Changes


Khanda’s recipe cost dropped to 500 gold, reducing its overall cost to 5100. However, the bonus attack damage provided by Empower Spell was reduced from 75% to 60%. This may make the item less appealing for heroes like Morphling or Tiny.

Patch 7.37e aims to adjust the balance of frequently picked heroes and underutilized items. While changes like these often reshape the meta, players and teams will need to experiment to uncover new strategies.

Expert opinion



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How significantly will the current patch change the meta? Which heroes, despite their changes and even nerfs, will still remain relevant?

There is small changes but i think it will effect game alot in heroes meta. For example different meta for carry will make other heroes on offlane poping that will make new po5 and pos4 poping even tho this heroes for example are not buffed.

Which heroes will become noticeably stronger after the balance changes and start appearing more frequently in matches (MMR and public games)?

I can see tb, vissage, storm, invoker to be good. Sven gonna be interesting to see now, i think it will be popular.

Its funny to see heroes like wk, warlock and wd getting nerfed and they are never picked in high mmr and competitive.

In your opinion, are there any heroes that didn’t deserve nerfs because they were already fairly balanced?

Tb, invoker should be nerfed harder.

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What do you think about Aghanim on Ringmaster? Is it too strong, and is it worth focusing on it when building your items?

Ringmaster is interesting but its still not in competitive so no reason to practice it in pubs. Anyway feels like this aghs csn be imba in pubs in competitive not sure. To much money to spend and u need survival item etc.

The item Khanda became cheaper, but along with that, it now deals less bonus damage from the owner's attack. Was this change necessary at all? And will it affect the item's popularity moving forward?

Khanda nerf is a bit to much for morph and tiny for example. Its not that popular item to nerf it this much, luna is dead already.


What do you think about the changes in patch 7.37e? Do you agree with LeBronDoTa's insights, or do you have a different perspective? Share your thoughts in the comments and join the discussion!

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