NEW Deadlock's Gameplay is Revealed!

NEW Deadlock's Gameplay is Revealed!

Every day we get news and information about the upcoming project from Valve called Deadlock. Only recently, the first one-minute video with the gameplay of a new, unannounced game appeared on YouTube, and a new one has already appeared. The author of the video is one of the participants of the closed alpha testing of the game. In the video, the player talks about some of the game's mechanics and demonstrates a full gameplay. Here we can see and hear about some of the nuances of the game that we read about in the leaked materials, and there is also a lot of new information.

First of all, the author talks about the shops on the map that are located outside the base. They are marked in green on the minimap and can only be used when the towers next to them are intact. Otherwise, you should go to another store or return to the base.


Then we are shown the same mechanic with the collection of souls. After the death of an enemy, a soul flies out of it, which you should shoot to take it for yourself, thereby replenishing your supply of game currency. The souls of allied heroes can also be destroyed by a shot, so you do not allow the enemy to farm them and gain experience.

Soul exits the hero
Soul exits the hero

Next, we are shown another element of the game that we have not been told about before, namely the various buffs that can be obtained from crates after you break them and pick up the appropriate item. It can be a temporary improvement in stamina, additional souls, reduced reloading, etc. The left side of the screen shows information about the duration of the current buff.

Buff crates
Buff crates

Inside the buildings are mobs, which can be killed to get additional souls, but there is a nuance here. Initially, your character is credited with so-called “unprotected souls”, which eventually become full-fledged. “Unsecured souls” fall out of your character's possession after his death and can be taken by the enemy. Therefore, you should be careful and play safely so that enemies do not take your farm for themselves.


For the destruction of enemy towers, all players on your team receive one ability point, which can be used to upgrade their skills and use them in battle. This is a significant component of the gameplay, so you shouldn't neglect it.

Enemy tower
Enemy tower

We were also shown that there are teleporters on the map in some subways. Once you enter them, after a certain period of time, they transport you not far from the base. This is a very useful mechanic that will help in difficult situations when you need to escape from enemies, regroup, or visit the base and the shops located on its territory.


The author of the video demonstrated the same hinged track as in BioShock Infinite, which can be used to move around the map. He also talked about one point: if the player does not slide on the track and is shot, the player will fall off it and be stunned for a while, making you an easy target for enemies.


In the end, we were told quite briefly that players can buy perks of various attributes, improving their skills and characteristics in battle.

Perk shop
Perk shop

Currently, the release date of the game is unknown. However, we can expect that the announcement of Deadlock will take place very soon, given how often more and more data and information about it appears on the network.

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