"Viper has been weakened a long time ago," Dataminer refutes player claims after the release of update 8.05

"Viper has been weakened a long time ago," Dataminer refutes player claims after the release of update 8.05

After the latest patch 8.05, players noticed an interesting feature related to the agent Viper and the weakening of her ability, Poison Cloud. However, recently, dataminer KINGDOM LABORATORIES conducted an investigation and refuted this information.

Recall that immediately after the release of 8.05, players claimed that Riot Games had weakened Viper's smoke without announcing it in the patch notes. According to their information, the duration of Poison Cloud was reduced from 15 to 13 seconds, which they shared on the Reddit platform and on Twitter.

However, today, KINGDOM LABORATORIES in its official Twitter account stated that the weakening of Poison Cloud indeed occurred, but back in July 2023. The dataminer conducted an investigation and stated that after the current patch 8.05, the ability remained unchanged. Instead, the weakening indeed took place, but between updates 7.01 and 7.02, which were released in July 2023.

It is still unknown why Riot Games did not announce such changes in the past patch notes. It is also unknown whether the weakening of Viper was the only one, or if players simply do not notice all the minimal changes.

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