Valorant ranked 3rd among the most popular categories on Twitch for august 2024

Valorant ranked 3rd among the most popular categories on Twitch for august 2024

Despite being released four years ago, the popularity of Valorant is not declining; on the contrary, it is growing. Recently, the well-known portal Streams Charts shared the viewership statistics for August 2024 on Twitch, and last month Valorant moved up one position in the list of the most popular categories.

Valorant's Position in Recent Months

Over the past few months, Valorant consistently held the 4th position among the most popular categories on Twitch each month. Besides categories like Just Chatting and GTA 5, the shooter also competed with another project from its developers, League of Legends, but usually lost to it. An unexpected event occurred in June this year when Valorant dropped to the 5th position among the most popular categories, read more about this in our article. In the following month, July, Riot's shooter climbed back to its rightful 4th position, but it did not stay there for long.

3rd Place in August

Recently, Streams Charts once again summarized the past month, and Valorant fans were pleased to see that the game had risen to the 3rd position on the list, surpassing League of Legends.


In August this year, Valorant accumulated 89.21 million viewing hours, with a peak viewer count of 852,000, which is 2.5 times more than in July of this year. The reason for such popularity is quite simple: in August, the main tournament of the entire Valorant discipline, Valorant Champions 2024, took place, so the influx of viewers and the increase in popularity were expected.

It should be noted that Valorant is now entering the offseason period, so there will be no major international tournaments for the time being. This means that the game's popularity may decline, and it could either return to 4th place in the ranking of the most popular categories or possibly drop even lower.

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