10:11, 23.04.2024

The long-awaited Spirit skin bundle, which is expected to appear in Valorant, has not yet received any approximate visual confirmation. Images that previously circulated online have turned out to be fake, according to some insiders.
Remember that the Spirit set was first reported a few weeks ago when dataminers disclosed findings in the game files. Rumors suggest the set will include skins for: Judge, Operator, Phantom, Sheriff, and also for melee weapons. Later, insiders showed an image of a possible knife skin, which turned out to be a skin from the game CrossFire.

After this, several insiders again leaked screenshots that reportedly depicted the Spirit set. The images were of poor quality, and you can see them above. However, according to new information, they also turned out to be fake, so it is still unclear what the actual skins from the Spirit collection will look like.
Note that according to initial data, the skins will still be blue-cyan in color, so one can roughly imagine what the future set will look like. We will be waiting for new information from dataminers to see the actual appearance of the Spirit collection.
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