Jett - most frequently chosen at high ranks: Top five most popular agents in Valorant
Jett - most frequently chosen at high ranks: Top five most popular agents in Valorant

As of July 2024, Jett is the most popular choice among high-ranking players in Valorant. The top five most popular agents include four duelists and only one controller.

Esports Tales collected interesting statistics and shared a ranking of agents based on rank. It turned out that Jett is the most popular among players from Platinum 3 to Radiant ranks, while Reyna holds the lead at lower ranks. An interesting fact presented is that at Radiant ranks, four out of the five most popular agents are duelists.

The top three agents across all ranks are Jett, Reyna, and Clove. Other spots differ depending on the rank, but at Radiant ranks, in addition to Jett and Reyna, the top five include two more duelists - Iso and Raze. At other ranks, these positions are occupied by various agents, from initiators to controllers. You can find more detailed information about the ranking of the most popular agents in Valorant in the image below.

Ranking of the Most Popular Agents at Different Ranks in Valorant
Ranking of the Most Popular Agents at Different Ranks in Valorant

As seen in the ranking, Reyna and Jett, despite receiving nerfs, continue to hold the lead among players. The only significant change over time is that Clove replaced Omen.

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