Imperium Gaming has announced the formation of a Valorant roster

Imperium Gaming has announced the formation of a Valorant roster

On November 13th, via their official Twitter page, the Imperium Gaming team revealed a significant expansion of their lineup. The club welcomed five new players: Nana, MissteR, Hate, Paula, and Evly. Additionally, two coaches and two substitute players joined: Danieshh, Charlesinh0, Phiarion, and Natalipa.

Currently, it is known that many members of Imperium Gaming lack experience in competitive esports. This marks the beginning of their professional journey. The most experienced individuals in the team are MissteR and Evly.

It is likely that these athletes will form the core of the future team and impart their knowledge of the esports scene to others. For MissteR, Imperium Gaming is her third team, having previously been part of lesser-known clubs NGU eSports and eQuizers. Evly was a member of Guinea Pink and even participated in Circuito Tormenta 2022 - Invitational Tormenta, where her team secured the 12th position.

This event vividly illustrates that Valorant is increasingly diversifying its teams and capturing the attention of the female gaming community in the world of esports.

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