12:04, 27.03.2024

It has only been a few hours since the new character Clove appeared in Valorant, but regular players are already enthusiastically talking about them. On Reddit, the community started discussing the latest character, and most players have concluded that they are one of the best.
In the largest community dedicated to Valorant on the Reddit platform, a user with the nickname joe_monkey420 started a discussion about Clove. The author themselves stated that for them, this is the best agent, allowing for a unique style and aggressive play despite the match timer.
In the comments to the discussion, players began to express their opinions. While there were many, the majority agreed that Clove is a fantastic agent, especially for those who like to use smokes. Also, players assure that after the appearance of the penultimate agent Iso, who quickly became tedious to players as evidenced by their pick rate, Clove will remain relevant for a very long time.
Interestingly, the opinions of regular players and esports athletes often differ, so we will soon tell you what professionals think about the new agent and how they assess their capabilities in tournaments.
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