Top Agents for the Pearl Map in Valorant

Top Agents for the Pearl Map in Valorant

The Pearl map in Valorant is one of the most challenging and simultaneously intriguing maps in the game. It combines elements from other existing maps, yet remains unique, requiring special preparation, high player coordination, and the right agent selection. In this article, we’ll explore Valorant Pearl best agents, their advantages and disadvantages, and provide some helpful tips for achieving success on this map.

Primary Agents


Killjoy, a German engineer and zone control specialist, is essential on Pearl. Her devices make life difficult for opponents and are crucial for maintaining control. The Turret and Alarmbot act as additional "eyes," monitoring important zones, while her grenades and ultimate ability help restrict enemy movement.

Killjoy agent
Killjoy agent


  • Zone Control: Her Turret (E) and Alarmbot (Q) are not only effective in weakening enemies but also in controlling the narrow corridors abundant on Pearl.
  • Dominant Presence: The Lockdown (X) ultimate covers large areas of the map, forcing enemies to retreat or become easy targets.


  • Vulnerability: Her devices can be destroyed by enemy abilities and cease functioning if Killjoy moves out of their range.

Overall, Killjoy is one of the best agents Pearl Valorant, making her a solid choice for any team.


Astra controls the battlefield using her connection to cosmic forces. She can place her stars anywhere on the map, using them to create various effects regardless of distance.

Astra agent
Astra agent


  • Global Control: Astra's stars allow her to control the map from any location, which is especially useful on a large, multi-level map like Pearl.
  • Versatile Tactics: Astra's wide array of abilities enables the development and execution of diverse strategies.


  • Complexity: Playing as Astra requires a deep understanding of the game, timing, and map knowledge. Players need to remain vigilant to deploy her abilities effectively.


Skye is a master of reconnaissance and support, making her one of the good agents for Pearl Valorant. Her abilities not only reveal and weaken enemies but also heal teammates, making her indispensable on Pearl, where many hiding spots exist.

Skye agent
Skye agent


  • Information Gathering: Skye’s Trailblazer (Q), Guiding Light (E), and Seekers (X) are highly effective in locating enemies, crucial on a map with numerous narrow corridors.
  • Healing: Skye is one of the few agents who can heal teammates.


  • Team Dependency: Skye heavily relies on her team. She can perform well, but her efforts may go to waste if her team doesn’t capitalize on the information and opportunities she provides.


Jett is one of the good Pearl Valorant agents, known for her aggressive playstyle even beyond Riot Games’ shooter. She is the queen of mobility, agility, and maneuverability, making her abilities extremely valuable on Pearl, where they allow for advantageous positioning and quick escapes from dangerous areas.

Jett agent
Jett agent


  • Mobility: Jett can move quickly across the map, enabling aggressive plays, swift retreats, or avoiding dangerous zones.
  • Versatile Abilities: Besides her mobility, Jett has Cloudburst (Q) and the unique Blade Storm (X). Her smokes and unique weaponry help her team take positions and save on purchasing power.


  • High Skill Requirement: Jett's high mobility and maneuverability require precise control and quick reflexes from the player.


KAY/O is the only robot in Valorant, capable of disabling enemy abilities, giving him a significant advantage in many situations and making him useful both on attack and defense.

KAY/O agent
KAY/O agent


  • Ability Suppression: His Zero/Point (E) and ultimate ability, Null/Cmd, can disable enemy abilities, giving his team a significant edge in combat.
  • Versatility: KAY/O’s ability kit allows him to be effective on both sides of the game.


  • Limited Ability Set: While KAY/O can disable other agents' abilities, his other skills are relatively basic and may seem weaker compared to those of other agents.

Additional Agents

Pearl map
Pearl map

Given the vast number of agents in Valorant, choosing only a "golden five" can be challenging. Moreover, Valorant is a team game, and agent selection may vary based on tactics. Here are a few more agents that shine on Pearl:


Viper specializes in using toxic substances. Despite recent updates that slightly weakened her abilities, she remains relevant on large maps like Pearl. She can create a smoke cloud and a wall that limits visibility and weakens enemies.

Disadvantage: Viper is challenging for beginners as she requires deep map knowledge and game experience to effectively manage her toxin levels.


Sova is the king of reconnaissance and is always useful on any map in Valorant. His drone and arrows can detect enemies even behind cover, making him a good choice on Pearl, where there are many passages and hiding spots.

Disadvantage: Sova can become predictable as the rounds progress, with enemies learning the timing and locations of his abilities. Players need a strong understanding of the map to maintain effectiveness.


Fade instills fear in her enemies with her abilities and gathers crucial information. The design of Pearl allows her to fully unlock her potential, especially when combined with other agents like Killjoy, Viper, or KAY/O.

Disadvantage: Fade requires enough game experience to know where to place her abilities best, but she remains user-friendly even for beginners.


The size of Pearl makes it easy to set up tactical “mind games,” and Yoru excels at this. He can teleport, create illusions, and become invisible, leading to confusion among enemies.

Disadvantage: Yoru is a high-skill character, requiring significant time to master and understand the map’s intricacies for effective use.

Tips for Success on Pearl

To play successfully on Pearl, consider the unique features of this map and follow these tips:

  • Information Gathering: Utilize reconnaissance agents to their full potential, as information plays a key role on Pearl. Knowing enemy positions provides a significant advantage during rounds.
  • Communication: Due to Pearl’s size and structure, communication is even more critical than on other maps. It’s difficult for players to monitor all events alone, so share information and coordinate actions.
  • Lurker Role: The lurker role is vital on Pearl since it’s challenging for enemies to control all zones. By gathering information or holding certain positions, you can turn the tide of a round.
  • Control the Map’s Center: The center of Pearl is the most crucial area. Controlling it allows for quick directional shifts during gameplay.


Pearl is a real test for Valorant players, and the right agent selection can be key to victory. The main agents from the list “the best agents on Pearl Valorant” - Killjoy, Astra, Skye, Jett, and KAY/O - offer an excellent balance between offense and defense. But above all, enjoy the game. Don’t chase after the strongest agents; even if your favorite didn’t make this list, it doesn’t mean they are weak. The agents presented here are just the best fit for our vision of playing on Pearl.

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