The Best Finishers in Valorant
The Best Finishers in Valorant

It’s been over four years since the official release of Valorant. During this time, the developers have created and released many different collections to suit various tastes. However, new players who haven’t been familiar with the shooter for its entire lifespan might not know about all these collections. Therefore, we’ve prepared this article to present the best finishers from all the collections released in Valorant since 2020. You’ll be able to choose something that suits your style, impressing both opponents and friends alike.

What Is a Finisher?

Valorant finishers
Valorant finishers

Rare collections in Valorant include skins that can be upgraded using RADIANITE Points. The level of enhancement depends on the collection, but some, in addition to animations, unique sounds, and various color schemes, also include what’s known as a finisher. Once a finisher is unlocked, a special animation is triggered after killing the last opponent in a round. For example, in some skins, otherworldly creatures drag the enemy underground, while in others, a tree grows under the enemy, pulling them into its trunk.

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The Best Finishers in Valorant

Below are the best finishers in Valorant according to the Bo3 editorial team. Some of these are still available for purchase, while others have become part of history and are only available to those who managed to get these skins while they were still in the in-game store.


Let's start with the legendary Elderflame collection, which is dedicated to dragons. Every weapon in this set is designed in the form of a dragon. Once upgraded, these dragons become animated, reacting to your shots and reloads. At the fourth level, the finisher unlocks: after killing the last enemy in the round, they fall to their knees as a fiery dragon is summoned above them, burning them to ashes. 

To obtain this finisher, simply purchase any weapon from the Elderflame collection, upgrade it to level four, and make a kill with it. We recommend buying the Vandal, as this weapon is the most frequently used in the game, allowing you to trigger the finisher more often than if you had purchased the Frenzy or Judge.

Elderflame finisher
Elderflame finisher


The finisher from the Oni collection is perfect for players who are fascinated by Japanese culture, as the collection itself is dedicated to the Oni, a humanoid demon from Japanese mythology. After killing the last enemy with a weapon upgraded to level four, their soul remains, and four katanas appear above it, sealing the soul with a special mask.

If you like this finisher, consider purchasing the Phantom, as it is the most commonly used weapon in the Oni collection.

Oni finisher
Oni finisher


The Singularity collection, though not very popular among players due to its specific design, which may not appeal to everyone, features a truly impressive finisher. After killing the last player, a black hole and a cosmic scene with constellations appear, and the black hole sucks in the defeated player before disappearing with an incredible animation accompanied by otherworldly sounds.

If your goal is to get this finisher, just like with the previous collection, consider purchasing the Phantom so that you can see it in the game more often. However, our recommendation would be to buy the Sheriff, as you’ll not only get this finisher but also a very stylish skin for this weapon.

Singularity finisher
Singularity finisher


The Reaver collection is the perfect blend of stylish and attractive skins with an amazing finisher. This bundle has stood the test of time, and even though it was released quite a while ago, the skins from it are still relevant despite the numerous other collections that have since been released. After you bring an enemy to their knees, otherworldly creatures drag them underground, leaving their fate a mystery.

With the Reaver collection, you really can't go wrong, regardless of which skin you choose. Pick the one you like the most or the one you play with most often to enjoy this terrifying finisher.

Reaver finisher
Reaver finisher


The BlastX collection isn't very popular due to its unique design, which doesn’t quite fit the style of the game. However, if you’re looking for something unusual and want to add a bit more joy to your life, consider purchasing one of the weapons from the BlastX collection. The finisher in this collection wraps the last defeated enemy in a festive gift box, which then disappears along with them, leaving behind a shower of confetti.

BlastX finisher
BlastX finisher


Inspired by the steampunk style, Megapunk has an appealing design and very pleasant sounds that are rich with electrical energy. Using this weapon is enjoyable due to its unique sounds and atmosphere. However, the highlight of this set is its finisher, which encases the defeated enemy in a tube and strikes them with an electrical bolt from top to bottom.

In our opinion, the best weapons from this collection are the Ghost and Marshal. They can also be recolored in different shades if you’re not a fan of the default lightning color.

Megapunk finisher
Megapunk finisher


The Ruination finisher is striking with its sounds, animation, and the effect that appears in the sky. After killing the last opponent, a portal-like figure appears above them and those you’ve previously killed with this weapon in the round, connecting them to the sky with a beam of light.

We recommend considering purchasing skins from this collection for the Phantom and Ghost, as they are worth their price. They have a pleasant design, various color schemes, and a connection to another Riot Games title, League of Legends.

Ruination finisher
Ruination finisher

Sentinels of Light

The Sentinels of Light finisher’s animation is often used by toxic players inappropriately. In it, after killing an enemy, they fall to their knees as otherworldly forces drain their soul, leaving only the body behind. This has led to unpleasant situations where some players abuse this, performing disrespectful actions, as the death camera remains fixed on the spot, forcing the dead player to watch.

Sentinels of Light finisher
Sentinels of Light finisher

Champions 2021

Champions 2021 is the first collection created to honor the world championship held in 2021. It includes the Vandal and Karambit. It is currently impossible to purchase anything from this collection, so its incredible finisher is only available to those who managed to buy it while it was in the store. The uniqueness of this set lies in the fact that the final strike animation is accompanied by the Valorant Champions 2021 anthem.

Champions 2021 finisher
Champions 2021 finisher

Gaia's Vengeance

The animation from Gaia's Vengeance will appeal to nature lovers. In addition to the weapon being made of wood, a tree grows at the site of the enemy’s death, with the color depending on the skin used for the kill.

Gaia's Vangeance finisher
Gaia's Vangeance finisher

Prelude to Chaos

The Prelude to Chaos collection has many fans. Some of them waited months, and some are still waiting, to buy a weapon from this set in their daily store. However, the Vandal draws the most interest. This finisher opens a portal beneath the victim, envelops them in chains, and transports them to an unknown place. But this place is likely not somewhere any living being would want to end up.

Prelude to Chaos finisher
Prelude to Chaos finisher

Radiant Entertainment System

Radiant Entertainment System has several different finishers, which is unique for Valorant. The collection is a tribute to old video games from the 90s, with each color scheme representing a different game, which changes the finisher. By purchasing just one skin, you get four different finishing animations for the last player.

Radiant Entertainment System finisher
Radiant Entertainment System finisher

The only downside to these finishers is that you won’t be able to get them immediately after reading this article. Valorant has a special and often frustrating in-game store system, where you can only purchase four random weapon skins per day or the current collection, which rotates approximately every 2-3 weeks. Additionally, older collections have disappeared entirely from the store and only occasionally return in the daily shop.

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