The Mongolz run at IEM Cologne - flashes of talent and costly failures

The Mongolz run at IEM Cologne - flashes of talent and costly failures

In episode 63 of the Geographically Challenged podcast, hosts Elfishguy, Bleh and Pilski discuss The Mongolz's performance at IEM Cologne. The Mongolz's performance at IEM Cologne sparked mixed opinions among fans and analysts alike.

On the one hand, the team showed moments of brilliant play, beating such strong opponents as Team Spirit and Eternal Fire. On the other hand, defeats to teams like SAW and paiN made many wonder if the team lived up to expectations.

Ups and downs

The Mongolz showed their best sides in Cologne, especially in the match against Spirit. However, these successes were overshadowed by disappointing defeats to SAW and paiN, whom The Mongolz felt they should have outplayed and failed to qualify for the IEM Cologne playoffs.

The main topic of discussion was the team's inconsistency. While players such as Techno showed consistent play, others failed to maintain the same level throughout the tournament. This inconsistency manifested itself in an inability to complete key rounds, which some felt indicated that there was a “mental barrier” that the team had yet to overcome.

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© This photo is copyrighted by ESL.

Pressure of expectations

The Mongolz have shown that they are capable of competing at a high level, but with that comes increased scrutiny. Opponents are beginning to scrutinize their style of play more closely, revealing weaknesses that were previously less noticeable. One such weakness has been The Mongolz's tendency to re-aggress mid-round, something that teams like SAW and paiN have successfully used to their advantage.

Despite the setbacks, there is a general consensus that the team is on the cusp of breaking through to the next level. However, for this to happen, The Mongolz may need to work on not only game strategies, but also mental toughness. Discussions are underway to bring in a mental toughness coach who could help the team deal with tense situations that used to lead to defeats.

A look into the future

Finishing 9th-12th place at the IEM Cologne tournament can't be called a failure, but it's clear that The Mongolz are setting higher goals for themselves. The question now is whether they can take the final step and establish themselves as a regular contender for success at the top tournaments. As the new major cycle approaches, all eyes will be on The Mongolz to see if they can overcome the obstacles that have been holding them back.

The Mongolz are on the verge of success, and they just need a little extra momentum. Whether that momentum will come from the team itself or through external support is still unknown, but one thing is certain: The Mongolz remain a team to watch out for in the competitive CS2 scene.

Source: YouTube

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