Full Preview of Patch 25.06 for League of Legends
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  • 09:15, 13.03.2025

Full Preview of Patch 25.06 for League of Legends

In the new 25.6 update, League of Legends developers are nerfing Draven and Jinx, boosting Warmog’s Armor, and making significant changes to the losing team's bounty system and lane swap mechanics. Additionally, the update dramatically alters Naafiri's gameplay and adjusts Darius's popularity in the jungle.

Losing Team Bounties

The issue of losing teams receiving bounties remains relevant. Riot Games have rewritten part of the code to more accurately account for early occurrences of such bounties. Now, the debt size is reduced by 50%, and the threshold for bounties has been lowered. If the situation does not improve, developers promise to continue monitoring and addressing the issue in future updates.

Anti-Lane Swap Attempts

After the micropatch, the anti-lane swap mechanic triggers in only 1% of regular matches. However, Riot Games continues to test increasing activation time:

  • Top lane end time: 3:30 ➜ 3:15
  • Mid lane end time: 3:30 ➜ 2:15
  • Minion penalty: 50% ➜ 25%

These changes should make the game more stable for players who adhere to traditional roles on the maps.

Champion Changes on PBE - Patch 15.6 Update
Champion Changes on PBE - Patch 15.6 Update   

Item Changes:

  • Warmog’s Armor: Item HP Multiplier ➜ 10% ➜ 12%. Cost ➜ 3300 ➜ 3100.
  • Serylda’s Grudge: Armor penetration ➜ 30% ➜ 35%. Ability haste ➜ 20 ➜ 15.

Global Champion Changes:


Riot Games are dramatically changing Naafiri's gameplay:

  • W and R have been swapped.
  • New W grants 1 second of invulnerability.
  • Q now deals 80-300 ➜ 80-280 damage.
  • W deals 80-300 ➜ 80-280 damage.
  • E increases damage from max HP by 3% ➜ 2.5%-3.5%.

These changes will give Naafiri more tactical depth, allowing for strategies beyond "kill or be killed."

Riot Games Announced a Mini-Rework for Naafiri [Updated]
Riot Games Announced a Mini-Rework for Naafiri [Updated]   

Darius (Jungle)

  • P monster mod: 3x ➜ 2x

Darius's popularity in the jungle has grown too strong. This nerf should balance his effectiveness in the jungle.

Champion Buffs:

  • Jarvan IV: Q damage ➜ 80-240 + 140% bonus AD ➜ 90-250 + 145% bonus AD.
  • Jhin: P bonus % AS ➜ 4.44% ➜ 4.44% + 0.35% per 1% crit + 3% per 1% bonus AS.
  • Kai’Sa: Armor ➜ 25 ➜ 27. HP regen ➜ 4 ➜ 5. Cooldown R ➜ 130-70 ➜ 120-60.
  • Kha’Zix: P damage ➜ 14-116 + 40% bonus AD ➜ 14-136 + 50% bonus AD.
  • Lillia: E cooldown ➜ 14 ➜ 12. E AP ratio ➜ 30% ➜ 40%.
  • Lucian: E cooldown ➜ 16 ➜ 14.
  • Poppy: Q damage to non-champions ➜ 50-170 ➜ 75-195.
  • Smolder: Q damage ➜ 30-110 + 60% bonus AD ➜ 10-110 + 65% bonus AD. E damage ➜ 5% + 25% total AD ➜ 10% + 30% total AD. R cooldown ➜ 120 ➜ 100.
  • Twisted Fate: Armor ➜ 21 ➜ 24.
  • Xin Zhao: Q damage ➜ 16-68 ➜ 20-80.

Champion Nerfs:

  • Caitlyn: W damage ➜ 40-220 + 40% bonus AD ➜ 35-215 + 30% bonus AD. R damage ➜ 300/500/700 ➜ 300/475/650.
  • Corki: Armor ➜ 30 ➜ 27.
  • Draven: no longer gains +2 Adoration if the last 6 hits were not secured.
  • Ezreal: Armor ➜ 47 ➜ 42.
  • Garen: E damage ➜ 175% (215% IE) ➜ 150% (190% IE).
  • Jinx: R damage ➜ 325/475/625 + 1.65 bonus AD ➜ 300/450/600 + 1.55 bonus AD.
  • Karma: Q damage ➜ 70-270 ➜ 60-260.
  • Yorick: E monster cap ➜ 300 ➜ 70-210.
  • Master Yi: Armor growth ➜ 4.7 ➜ 4.2. Crit damage ➜ 131% (161% IE) ➜ 117% (151% IE).
Patch 25.05 Changelog Announced for League of Legends
Patch 25.05 Changelog Announced for League of Legends   

Champion Adjustments:

  • Gwen: HP ➜ 620 ➜ 650. HP growth ➜ 115 ➜ 110. P damage ➜ 1% + 0.006% AP ➜ 1% + 0.0055% AP. Q damage ➜ 60-160 ➜ 70-170.
  • Master Yi: mentioned above.
  • Naafiri: mini-rework.

Patch 25.6 brings significant changes to game balance, especially for tanks and champions dominating the jungle and lanes. Riot Games aim to make the game more dynamic, balanced, and engaging for players of all levels.



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