Champion Changes on PBE - Patch 15.6 Update
Champion Changes on PBE - Patch 15.6 Update

Updates for patch 15.6 for League of Legends have appeared on the PBE test server. The main changes affected the champions Gwen, Naafiri, and Singed. Riot Games is making balance adjustments aimed at reducing excessive effectiveness and improving some mechanics.


  • Base Stats ▪ Health: 620 (+115 per level) ⇒ 650 (+110 per level).
  • Passive — A Thousand Cuts ▪ Damage from target's maximum health: 0.6% ⇒ 0.55% of AP. ▪ Maximum damage to monsters: 10 ⇒ 5.
  • Q — Snip Snip! ▪ Damage from the final snip: 60-160 ⇒ 70-170.
  • W — Hallowed Mist ▪ Defensive stats: 22-30 (+7% AP) ⇒ 25 (+5% AP).
  • E — Skip 'n Slash ▪ Bonus damage on hit: 15 (+20% AP) ⇒ 12-20 (+25% AP). ▪ Cooldown: 13-11 sec. ⇒ 12-8 sec. ▪ Cooldown reduction on auto attacks: 25-65% ⇒ 50%.
  • R — Needlework ▪ Needle damage: 35-95 (+10% AP) ⇒ 30-90 (+8% AP). ▪ Slow effect: 40 / 50 / 60% ⇒ 60%. ▪ Slow after first needles: 15 / 20 / 25% ⇒ 25%.


  • Base Stats ▪ Health growth per level: 110 ⇒ 105.
  • Passive — We Are More ▪ Pack damage to monsters: 160% ⇒ 175%.
  • W — Hound's Pursuit ▪ Cooldown: 20-16 sec. ⇒ 20-18 sec.
  • R — The Call of the Pack ▪ Champion detection duration: 3 sec. ⇒ 4 sec. ▪ Shield duration: 4 sec. ⇒ 3 sec.
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  • Base Stats ▪ Health growth per level: 99 ⇒ 96. ▪ Attack speed: 0.625 ⇒ 0.700.
  • Q — Poison Trail ▪ NEW: "If a minion kills another minion under the effect of Poison Trail, the kill is credited to Singed."
  • E — Fling ▪ AP scaling: 60% ⇒ 55%.

These changes are currently being tested on the PBE and may undergo further adjustments before the release of patch 15.6. Riot Games continues to work on champion balance, making gameplay fairer and more diverse. Stay tuned for updates to be the first to know about the final versions of the changes!

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