Plunderstorm Builds Tier List: What’s the Current Meta
  • Gaming

  • 13:12, 03.04.2024

Plunderstorm Builds Tier List: What’s the Current Meta

The World of Warcraft: Plunderstrom event was one of the interesting elements that helped the game to attract the attention of players thanks to the battle royale mode, which seemed to be already hackneyed in the industry. However, Plunderstrom is unique in a certain way, as the gameplay is focused not only on fighting other players but also on farming mobs and using abilities rather than weapons and equipment. Some skins in this mode may resemble those players have seen in World of Warcraft, but they are all unique and new. That is why players try to experiment with them and combine them to find good builds.

Knowing how abilities work and how to unleash their full potential, in the right hands, you can easily win Plunderstrom and farm the coveted glory points to get event rewards faster. In this beginner’s guide, we will tell you about the best current meta builds for Plunderstorm.

Mysterious Storm build

With this build, you'll be able to hit enemies from a distance with Mana Sphere and wait for the right opportunity to unleash the elemental power of Storm Archon. Due to their long range and high damage, these abilities can cause a lot of problems for your opponents. Storm Archon can be used twice in a row, unleashing different types of elemental strikes. This makes it practical, but a bit difficult to use, as it is difficult to hit with all charges for maximum effect, in particular due to the slowdown in movement speed. However, this combination also has a disadvantage, as the enemy, if he has the appropriate skill or is at a sufficient distance, will be able to dodge the blows, and the recovery of abilities will take a little time.

For flexibility, it is worth finding the Fade to Shadow and Faeform abilities to dodge enemy attacks or reduce damage from them and debuffs. You can take a favorable position to use Storm Archon by correctly calculating your abilities.

Here, you should give preference to defensive tactics of dodging and ranged attacks. These skill types perform very well against crowds of enemies and mobs. They are also most practical against non-mobile enemies who cannot kite you or avoid your attacks. And thanks to your mobile ability, you can use it to tease out enemies for their abilities and attack when they are in a cooldown.

WoW Plunderstorm battle
WoW Plunderstorm battle

Chained by Flame Build

A great build for those who want to burn their enemies to ashes and keep them at bay. You should start the battle with Hunter's Chains, which shackles the player and prevents him from running too far away from you. After that, you can use Searing Axe and Fire Whirl in turn, which together deal a lot of fire damage. If you realize that the enemy hero has abilities like Windstorm, which will stun you for a while and allow you to realize your plan to the fullest. Then use Faeform to avoid an enemy attack or to catch up with the enemy. After that, use Chain or Fire Whirl to attack the other player. This build will help you deal instant damage in large quantities if you successfully press all the buttons. And if something goes wrong, you can always wait it out or escape the battle with Faeform.

Plunderstorm flame whirl
Plunderstorm flame whirl
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Incendiary build

In general, the same abilities as in the previous build are retained here. The only difference is the replacement of Hunter's Chains with Quaking Leap. With this ability, you can instantly burst into the battle from a long distance and stun the enemy for a short time after landing. Immediately afterward, just like in the previous build, we use Fire Whirl and Searing Axe to deal damage to the player. Even if you don't manage to catch anyone, the speed of movement under the fire whirl should be enough to catch up with the enemy. And in case of danger, you can always run away under the effect of Faeform, which saves you from debuffs and reduces damage by 90%.

Divine Arrow build

A good tactic for those who want to silence enemies from afar while staying at a safe distance. Holy Shield and Rime Arrow will provide you with the bulk of the damage you will deal to other players in PvP. If you run and hit an enemy with a shield, you can deal more damage to them when the same shield comes back and hits them again. And if you do everything perfectly, you can recast the ability, which will cause damage from the explosion. The main problem with this skill is that you need to be able to hit it well. Rime Arrow doesn't do a lot of damage, but it's a great tool to interrupt an enemy when they're about to regain health or to finish them off when they're trying to run away with low HP. Lightning Bulwark will be the main defense if the enemy also uses ranged abilities. And thanks to Fade to Shadow, you can always escape from the battlefield or reorient and take a more favorable position. The weakness of this build is the presence of Lightning Bulwark, which also blocks a lot of damage and negative effects.

Steel Chain Bomb build

An effective Plunderstorm build that will be useful both in solo play and in a duo, especially if your set of abilities is identical. Thanks to Hunter's Chains, you and your partner can take turns chaining enemy players, preferably looking for lone victims. When you get close enough to the enemy, you can scatter Steel Traps that will prevent your target from escaping quickly. At the same time, your companion should consistently charge Star Bomb and Searing Axe, which will deal a lot of damage. Then the main thing is to switch roles in time: your partner throws traps, and you use attack abilities. The damage will be more than enough to destroy the victim in a short time and move on to find your next target. The main thing is to do everything in the timing.

Plunderstorm training dummy
Plunderstorm training dummy
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Earthquake build

The main abilities for this Plunderstorm meta build will be: Fade to Shadow, Windstorm, Earthbreaker, and Searing Axe. To begin with, use Fade to Shadow to sneak up on your victim. If you can't get close enough, you can use Windstorm to delay and stun your target for a short time. As soon as you are close enough to your target, you can immediately use Earthbreaker to deal damage and stun them again. After that, you can charge Searing Axe and actively attack the enemy. If it so happens that you failed to stun the enemy for some reason, the best option is to go into the shadows again and leave the battlefield. Against a group of enemies, the build is not as good because it is aimed at single kills.

Hit and Run build

If you want to keep your distance, here's another good Plunderstorm build strategy. It requires Mana Sphere and Rime Arrow, which can be used to periodically deal damage to enemies from a distance. In addition, the arrow will help interrupt the enemy when they try to restore Health Brew. If the enemies are too close to you, Faeform and Fade to Shadow will help you. Using these abilities will help you avoid unwanted damage and debuffs that can be imposed on you, as well as, most importantly, increase the distance between you and continue to kite your opponent. In a doubles game, this tactic will also be quite good, because the enemy hero will be uncomfortable with constantly taking damage from a distance. And even if he attacks one of you, the other will continue to damage him from behind. Although you shouldn't forget about your enemy partner, because they may have tricks up their sleeve.

Plunderstorm tarantula enemy
Plunderstorm tarantula enemy

Frosty Shake build

For this Plunderstorm strategy, you will primarily need Snowdrift and Earthbreaker. With the former, you slow down enemies who won't be able to approach you without the necessary mobile abilities. And while the slowdown is in effect, you should use Earthbreaker, which will catch enemies who have not left the blizzard's range. In this state, you can deal several blows from your hand and an active ability to the enemy. In the end, you cast Windstorm, which will keep him stunned for a while longer. You can finish this whole action with any active ability of your choice that can deal a lot of damage, such as the proven Storm Archon, Star Bomb, or Fire Whirl.

Plunderstorm shake build
Plunderstorm shake build
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The above builds are good because of the synergy and the correct sequence of abilities between them. The most important thing is to practice, because no matter what the current Meta in the game is, without experience and good timings, no build will help you win immediately during a PvP fight in Plunderstorm. But the above builds will help you navigate the game, depending on what skill you manage to find, because no one has canceled randomization in the mode yet.

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