Ivy Guide - Deadlock
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  • 12:36, 27.09.2024

Ivy Guide - Deadlock

Ivy is one of the most versatile champions in the game. She can be a DPS hero, a support, a split-pusher— essentially, she can fill any role the team needs. If you're looking for a champion that fits into all situations and has great potential to adapt to the game, Ivy is the best option

In this guide for Ivy, we will cover the following aspects:

  • Strengths and weaknesses of the hero
  • Current build and ability upgrades
  • Best synergies

Guide based on patch 12/09/2024


How to Play Ivy

As mentioned, Ivy is a flexible hero who can adapt to the game’s situation. The best way to play her is to combine different playstyles.

EXAMPLE: You create pressure on one lane by split-pushing, then, thanks to your mobility from your ultimate, you can quickly move to another lane and initiate a fight where you’ll already have the upper hand. After this, you can either continue pushing or join a teammate to further build map control.

The game situations vary. The more you play Ivy and understand the hero, the easier it will be to win any game. Try to maintain lane priority, gather as much currency as possible, and keep an eye on other areas of the map. Use Ivy’s dueling potential—don’t be afraid to trade damage with the enemy, as you have enough healing. In the mid-game, find a teammate, usually a carry hero, with whom you can maximize your impact on winning. Don’t forget about map objectives, and victory will be yours.


  1. High versatility
  2. Mobility, ability to fly. The only hero with a base stamina of 4
  3. Her crossbow is one of the strongest weapons in the game
  4. Useful at all stages of the game, even when behind, she can still have a significant impact


  1. Long cooldowns on abilities
  2. Requires good coordination with the team
  3. Items that reduce healing can counter her

Ivy’s Abilities

Kudzu Bomb: You throw a bomb that creates a circular field of vines upon explosion. This ability can be used for lane control, pushing, or slowing and damaging the enemy.


Stats without upgrades:

32 seconds
Number of charges:
4 seconds
6 meters


+1 charge
+2 seconds to duration
+60 DPS

Watcher’s Covenant: You tether to an ally or a creep, increasing fire rate, lifesteal, and healing (the effects apply to both you and the tethered target). If you’re alone on a lane, use this ability on a creep, combine it with Kudzu Bomb, and deal tons of damage to the enemy. Remember! The Watcher’s Covenant target can be changed. 


Stats without upgrades:

32 seconds
Number of tether targets:
12 seconds
Fire rate: 
16 meters


+10 fire rate
+2 m/s movement speed
+1 target for tether

Stone Form: You become an impenetrable stone, sinking into the ground, stunning, and damaging nearby enemies. This ability also heals you based on your maximum health. The main trick with Stone Form is to absorb enemy abilities. It lets you ignore all negative effects, but it takes practice to master.


Stats without upgrades:

42 seconds
Duration of stone state: 
0.75 seconds
Total duration:
2 seconds
6 meters
10% of max HP


-20 seconds cooldown
+80 damage, +0.5 seconds to stone state
+20% healing from max HP

Air Drop (Ultimate): You fly into the air with an ally or a bomb. Drop your ally or the bomb to cause a massive explosion that also slows enemies. Combine this ability with Stone Form. It also synergizes well with heroes like Seven, who would be happy to fly with Air Drop.


Stats without upgrades:

85 seconds
Explosion damage: 
Flight duration: 
17 seconds
Explosion radius: 
14 meters
Slow duration: 
4.5 seconds
Shield duration: 
12 seconds
Slow effect: 
Flight distance: 
8 meters
Projectile resistance for allies:


-20% projectile resistance for enemies affected for 12 seconds
+300 shield, +5 meters explosion radius
Applies silence to affected enemies for +4 seconds
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Build and Ability Progression

Early Game:

  • Basic Magazine
  • Active Reload
  • Headshot Booster
  • Monster Rounds
  • High Velocity Mag
  • Bullet Lifesteal


  • Improved Bullet Armor
  • Heroic Aura
  • Healing Booster
  • Decay

Late Game:

  • Heroic Aura-
  • Intensifying Magazine
  • Titan Magazine
  • Pristine Emblem

This is the optimal build. Remember, you can change your items depending on the situation.

Ability Upgrade Priority:

1. Air Drop

2. Stone Form

3. Watcher’s Covenant

4. Kudzu Bomb

Best Synergies and Counters

 Seven + Ivy 
59.4% win rate
 Warden + Ivy 
56% win rate
 Mo and Krill+ Ivy 
53.5% win rate

Air Drop and Watcher's Covenant are best exposed to heroes like Seven, Mo and Krill or other heroes that have a lot of AoE damage, or to just strong carry heroes.


1. Lash

2. Yamato

3. Abrams

These are heroes who can harm Ivy with some of their features. Lash for example has very low ability cooldowns, so lane Ivy is hard to take prio, dominate, get lane pressure and can be vulnerable to ganks.

Example of a Game on Ivy

You can watch this game to get a clear idea of how the hero works and pick up useful tips. You'll also see how to move around the map and position yourself.

YouTube Video Embed


Ivy is ideal for players who enjoy flexibility and adaptability in the game. With our tips and recommendations, you can maximize her effectiveness. You also now understand her abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Use this information and climb the ranks!

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