Dancer of Ranah Boss Guide

Dancer of Ranah Boss Guide

In Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree, there are numerous bosses, including optional ones, whose defeat is not necessary to complete the main storyline but can enhance your gaming experience.

Defeating these bosses can also grant rewards, such as runes or weapons, which may be useful throughout the game or simply add to your collection. One such boss is Dancer of Ranah. This guide will cover where to find and how to defeat Dancer of Ranah Elden Ring.

How to get to Dancer of Ranah

Dancer of Ranah can be found in the Southern Nameless Mausoleum, located near the Site of Grace at Cerulean Coast West. The Nameless Mausoleum itself is relatively easy to find, but reaching Cerulean Coast can be more challenging. However, if you enjoy exploring locations, you'll likely stumble upon the right place.

Access to Cerulean Coast is granted after arriving in Scadu Altus, but first, you need to defeat Rellana, Twin Moon Knight. Once in Scadu Altus, head to the eastern edge of the map to eventually reach Cerulean Coast.

From there, proceed to the western shore, where you'll find an underground cave leading to a separate island near Cerulean Coast. This island houses the Southern Nameless Mausoleum, that is Dancer of Ranah location.

South Nameless Mausoleum on the map
South Nameless Mausoleum on the map

How to Prepare for the Battle with Dancer of Ranah

In Elden Ring Dancer of Ranah is a humanoid boss whose main attacks involve striking with twin swords and occasionally casting fireballs. Therefore, it is advisable to equip gear that offers physical protection and fire resistance. Talismans like the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2 and Flamedrake Talisman +3 can be useful, though they are not strictly necessary if you play cautiously.

There are no special items or weapons required for this fight. Your task, as with most common enemies, is to watch for the boss's relatively simple attacks and dodge them in time.

However, if the situation demands, consider using an Ash of War or Spirit Ashes to boost your offensive capabilities, particularly something that inflicts bleed damage, as it is one of the easiest ways to handle most similar bosses. Avoid fire-based abilities, as the boss is immune to them.

Meeting with Dancer of Ranah
Meeting with Dancer of Ranah

How to Fight Dancer of Ranah

Dancer of Ranah primarily attacks with her swords, performing quick combos and fire spells. Most of these can be dodged or blocked with a shield. During her long combos, you can either retreat to dodge them or jump and perform a power attack to stagger her. The only moves that can interrupt your jumping power attack are her own jumping power attack and her fire spell.

Her fire spell spreads flames over a large area, which can deal significant damage. If you are far away, roll back; if close, position yourself between the fire patches. If you get hit, you usually have time to roll back and heal. After losing about 40% of her health, she will use a flask to restore some health.

Rotating attack of the boss Dancer of Ranah
Rotating attack of the boss Dancer of Ranah

Combat Strategies Against Dancer of Ranah

For melee fighters, the most effective strategy is to stagger her with a jump attack and then quickly follow up with more attacks. If timed correctly, a long weapon can catch her when she tries to roll away. If you are proficient at parrying, use this to land critical hits.

Mages or ranged fighters should use fast-casting spells or rapid-fire weapons, as the boss is agile and will dodge slow projectiles. Effective examples include Golden Arcs, Magic Glintblade, and Bestial Sling. Additionally, spells or arrows that can break her stance are useful, such as Greatblade Phalanx, Stormwing Bone Arrow, and Glintblade Phalanx.

Defense against the boss's attack
Defense against the boss's attack

Dancer of Ranah's Moves and Attacks

  • Spinning Combo: Dancer of Ranah spins her swords, performing a long combination. Dodge it by moving backward or interrupt it with a jump attack.
  • Jumping Power Strike: She executes a powerful jump and strikes. Dodge in any direction but stay close for a counterattack.
  • Flame Attack: The boss crosses her arms, releasing a wide flame.
  • Healing with a Flask: When she has about 60% health left, she heals a quarter of her life with a flask. Attack her when she tries to retreat.
  • Double Strike: Dancer of Ranah dashes forward with a quick double strike. Roll back to dodge or perform a jump attack to avoid it.

Rewards for killing Dancer of Ranah

After defeating the boss, you will receive quite interesting rewards. Firstly, 80,000 runes to spend on your needs, as well as a Dancer of Ranah set of equipment that includes: Dancer's Hood, Dancer's Dress, Dancer's Bracer, Dancer's Trousers, and the main weapon — Dancing Blade of Ranah.

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