Belurat Gaol Dungeon Guide

Belurat Gaol Dungeon Guide

Belurat Gaol Dungeon is one of the intermediate dungeons in Elden Ring Shadow of Erdtree, and clearing it will provide you with more resources and essential items necessary for upgrading your character and progressing through the main storyline.

 Belurat Gaol Dungeon Location

To get to the desired dungeon, follow this route. Head northwest from the Three-Path Cross grace site, then proceed to the next point, Greatbridge, North. If you've unlocked it already, you can teleport directly there. After that, you'll need to cross the lake to the west.

As you approach the destination, you'll see numerous broken and scattered cages. Walk between them until you reach the entrance to the cave. However, be cautious as the Ghostflame Dragon lurks there, and you can also find a Great Katana weapon.

Belurat Gaol Dungeon on the map
Belurat Gaol Dungeon on the map

Belurat Gaol Dungeon Items

In Belurat Gaol Dungeon, you can find the following items:

  • Frozen Maggot
  • Silver Horn Tender
  • Shadow Realm Rune [3]
  • Glass Shard
  • Hefty Cracked Pot
  • Living Jar Shard
  • Raw Meat Dumpling
  • Lost Ashes of War
  • Smithing Stone [6]
  • Greater Potentate’s Cookbook [1]
  • Innard Meat
  • Smithing Stone [3]
  • Greatjar

Exploring Belurat Gaol Dungeon

Once inside the cave, follow the narrow underground corridor until it descends. Here, you'll find another grace site — activate it. Continue on and pass through a doorway.

Next, you'll find a staircase going left, descend it. After a short distance, you'll encounter another door from which a dead creature emerges. Kill it—it poses no threat. In the room beyond, there's a corpse leaning against a wall; search it to find 6 Frozen Maggot.

Start of the dungeon
Start of the dungeon

Exit the location and continue descending the stairs. The end of the stairs will collapse, and you'll land on a platform below. Right there, kill three dead creatures.

Looking left from where you've descended to this tier, you'll see another door. Head there first. Inside, two more dead creatures and a corpse from which you can collect Silver Horn Tender.

Leave the room and proceed across a suspension bridge. Kill two more walking dead and pick up 4 Frozen Maggot near the edge of the platform.

Keep moving straight ahead through the doors in front. In the room with huge pots to the right, you'll see a triangular rock opening which you should pass through. First, you can kill two walking dead in this room.

Descending through the opening, you'll encounter two more dead, kill them to collect additional Frozen Maggot. In the next room, there are three identical sleeping foes, and you know what to do with them. Between two tables on the left, there's a body, from which you can pick up a Broken Rune.

Descent through a hole in the wall
Descent through a hole in the wall

Exit the room, and near the boxes and cages in the corner on the right, you'll find Thawfroft Boluses. Turn the opposite way and proceed straight through the next doors. In the corridor, you'll meet an NPC ghost you can talk to if you wish.

Exit the corridor, turn right and continue down the sloping path, killing three living dead. After that, turn right into the passage, and in this room, you'll see a body near the wall, search it to take Shadow Realm Rune [3]. Be ready, as the room contains another, slightly stronger and more resilient type of enemy resembling a mutated human.

Exit the room. In front of you is a vast abyss. Carefully approach the edge, and you'll see pots hanging on chains. You'll need to descend using these pots. On the fifth pot, there's a corpse, from which you pick up a Glass Shard. Then jump down to the last pot and then to a wooden platform ahead.

Descent using the pots
Descent using the pots

To the right of your landing spot, two small pots will come to life, kill them. Then head right across to the other side of the platform. From one of the pots, another mutant will emerge. Kill it, and from the chest nearby, retrieve a Hefty Cracked Pot.

Now, you can jump down from this platform. Initially, two small pots will attack you, then a large one next to them will come to life. Defeat it to pick up 2 Living Jar Shard and Raw Meat Dumpling.

Continue through the room; more mutants will emerge from pots, and another one will be behind the door to your right. After killing them, go straight and descend onto a bridge. As you cross it, three more mutants will confront you.

Stone bridge
Stone bridge

Proceeding down the sloping stairs, they will collapse, and you'll drop to another level below. On the way, a mutant will emerge from under a pot on the left, and a walking dead will be on the right. There, you'll also see a corpse that you can search to pick up Lost Ashes of War, and from a pot nearby, a mutant will emerge, followed by another walking dead.

Wander among the pots. Here in the location, you can find a corpse, from which you can pick up two Smithing Stone [6] and another corpse among the pots with Greater Potentate’s Cookbook [1]. From there, walk along the right side, between the pots and the wall, a mutant will attack you, and another down the slope on pot shards. Climb up these pots, and you'll see two more bodies you can search. One will have Innard Meat, the other Hefty Cracked Pot.

Greater Potentate’s Cookbook [1]
Greater Potentate’s Cookbook [1]

Descend and find another similar climb up the pots. Just keep to the left passage between the pots, from where you took the Hefty Cracked Pot. As you climb these sloping pots, you'll see a mutant on the left. Follow it there. Near the wall with boxes, you'll find Frozen Maggot, and further on another slope of pots, you can climb them and pick up a Hefty Cracked Pot.

Exit this location by descending the stairs. To the right by the column and a large living pot, you'll find Smithing Stone [3], and to the left of the entrance, two small pots. Go straight opposite the doors you entered through and jump across the pit. Here, three mutants will emerge from the pots.

Passage between the pots
Passage between the pots

To the right of where you cross the bridge, look down, there's a hanging pot. Descend onto it, and it will start moving upwards, like a lift. Jump across other pots and go up the stairs. In the next room, you'll see an altar. Climb onto it using the pots on the side and take Greatjar; a living pot will attack you here.

Altar with the Greatjar
Altar with the Greatjar

On the left side of the platform, jump down, and you will find yourself in a familiar labyrinth of pots. Go again to the place where the pot-lift was, but this time jump onto another pot, which will be directly on this platform. Descend lower, and you'll see gates leading to the local dungeon boss of Belurat Gaol — Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze.

How to Defeat the Boss in Belurat Gaol

Despite his small size, Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze is very agile, and if you expose yourself, you can take a lot of damage from a flurry of fast strikes by the boss. However, with a good strategy and not rushing your attacks, defeating him will not be a difficult challenge. If you need tips on fighting this boss, use our guide.

Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
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