All We Know About Deadlock Characters

All We Know About Deadlock Characters

A one-minute gameplay video of Deadlock, an upcoming third-person team-based shooter from Valve that combines features of many competitive games such as DotA 2, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, SMITE, and Valorant, has been posted online.

In the last seconds of the video, we were shown the game's character menu, where we can see all 19 of the previously leaked heroes and heroines. Looking at the banners of some characters, we can read their descriptions, see their design, and ability icons. Unfortunately, we don't have any details about them, but we can make some assumptions about what skills and abilities they will have, as well as determine their possible role in the game.

Grey Talon

Character description. A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps and clever positioning to bring down the woughest of opponents.

Grey Talon is the first Deadlock character we've learned about from information previously published on the Internet. It resembles a Native American equipped with a cybernetic bow. According to insiders, the game was largely inspired by DotA 2, so we can assume that the characters here will also have some similar abilities. For some reason, this hero reminds us of Windranger.

The first skill is most likely something like Powershot — the hero will charge his bow and launch a powerful arrow. The second ability looks like a dodge or a jerk backwards and then a shot. Judging by the image of the third icon, this is a trap ability for the enemy that will help immobilise them for a while. As for the last skill, it's hard to say anything, since it's not very clear what it depicts.

Grey Talon
Grey Talon


Character description. When Haze fixates on a target she can hold her own in a firefight. She prefers to create one sided exchanges, avoiding damage then picking off unsuspecting targets up close.

She looks like a female android or a biological creature with mechanical limbs. Judging by the description, this character is better suited for 1v1 fights than for confronting several targets at once. So the role of a tank is not suitable for her. This is most likely a ‘roving’ hero that can move around the map, looking for lone players and killing them while other players can complete their objectives or farm creeps.

Among the abilities, you can see the icon of a dagger, which will probably deal intermittent damage or impose a negative effect. The second ability hints at running, which can also be used to escape, move quickly, or shorten the distance to an enemy target. The third ability does not have an active number, so we assume that it is a passive ability that provides additional accuracy. The last ability is in the form of a combat stance, possibly some kind of buff or focused shooting at a single target. Since this is an ultimate, it should be something very significant for the hero's strength.



Hero description. Infernus has many ways to deal damage over time, burning foes before swooping in for the kill. Due to Infernus’s blazing speed, his enemies won’t be able to escape the flames.

An interesting-looking semi-demonic character who possesses the element of fire, which he uses to incinerate his victims from a distance. His abilities deal gradual damage, which makes him useful, especially in the early stages, to keep enemies from farming in peace. So we have a kind of analogue of the Arsonist from Team Fortress 2. His second active ability definitely hints at a powerful fire charge. The first icon looks like a grenade, which, after exploding, creates a field of fire on enemies and territory.

The third ability is a passive one, it's hard to say anything about it, but we assume that it could be a passive ability like Lina from Dota, which will give additional characteristics to the hero depending on the fire damage. Ultime is most likely a very powerful fire blast.



Character description. Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She’s most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally’s guns as well as sharing heals.

We are looking at one of the heroes, whose appearance we learnt from the previously leaked information. But now we know more. Based on the character description, we can conclude that this is a support character that has auxiliary abilities that can harm enemies and boost allies, their damage and healing. It is difficult to come up with approximate, and even more so, precise versions of what exactly the hero's abilities do in practice. But there is no doubt that the character will be useful for support.



Hero description. Timely heals and splitiing a teamfight properly is she difference between an easy victory or a ruinous defeat. Gliding around slowing enemies gives Kelvin’s team the maneuvering advantage to make this happen.

Judging by the description, this is another support hero that can cause a lot of dirt to enemies, keeping them busy. With his abilities, the hero can deal damage and negative effects involving frost. The first ability, in the form of a grenade, hints that it will slow down the heroes after the explosion, reducing their mobility. The second ability is probably sliding, which we learned about from the description of the hero. That is, Kevin turns the ground into a skating rink, increasing his team's mobility.

The third and fourth abilities seem to be, at first glance, both of them provide some kind of barrier. One of them is a kind of frost shield. But in the case of the snow dome, it's hard to say anything, in particular, who exactly the ability is aimed at, an ally or an enemy. If it's an ally, then it's either a buff or a defence, and if it's an enemy, then it means some kind of frost trap from which the enemy can't get out.


Lady Geist

Character description. Expanding health to achieve devastating effects is the source of Lady Geist’s power. When running low she can drain the life out her rivals.

Given the name and appearance of the heroine, we are looking at a representative of an aristocratic family, equipped with a revolver, who specialises in health-related abilities. One of the dagger-shaped ability icons resembles Haze's, which means that the effect of the action is expected to be similar or identical. 

It's hard to say anything about Geist's other abilities, because they don't do anything else but refer us to manipulating the heroine's blood and health. But the description makes it clear that by shedding her own blood, she becomes stronger, and if necessary, she can suck it out of her victims.

Lady Geist
Lady Geist


Character description. Seven thrives in a skirmish waiting for the time to strike. Then he rolls into the fight like a storm and batters his enemies with a cascade of lighting.

A hero of an unknown race who is connected to electric wires with an interesting mechanism on his head. From this we can understand that the main power in his hands will be the power of current and electricity. But despite this, he also holds a firearm. What exactly his powers do can only be tangentially guessed. 

For example, the chain-shaped ability may suggest that Seven can tie chains to the enemy by passing an electric current through them, causing damage. The hero's ultimate has a storm cloud icon. We assume that this hero's abilities will be similar to DotA's Razor, who also has lightning, releases a storm cloud above him that strengthens him, and has a chain to the enemy that sucks out the enemy's damage and adds it to the hero.



Character description. Vindicta has the mobility to engage at her leisure picking at her prey and bleeding them out slowly. Injured enemies at any distance should fear being picked off when she is on the map.

The heroine, who looks like a kind of vampire armed with a sniper rifle and has the abilities to do so. Given her description, she has a fairly long range of abilities. Alternatively, she can leave traps that exsanguinate enemies from a distance. Judging by the first ability icon, this is a possible option.

The third ability of the heroine is a familiar dagger, and given the specifics of this and other heroes, we conclude that it has a bleeding effect. The second ability resembles a kind of flight, which can increase her mobility. And the ultimatum in the form of a scope is likely to enhance her main weapon, a sniper rifle.



Character description. Warden leads from the front, jumping into the fray and hindering his opponents’ ability to fight effectively. But what Warden considers brave, others consider reckless, and if he’s not careful he can easily find himself in over his head.

It seems that Varden is an initiator hero, who can easily start massive battles with his abilities, and maybe even is a tank. Although the ability icons are quite clear in appearance, it is not clear what potential and effect they have. The first ability, in the form of a spray can, can be a kind of mark or disorientation for enemies. And under this effect, they either take more damage or lose their eyesight. Ultimates resembles an alarm or siren, which either imposes a fear effect on enemies, causing them to lose control, or it boosts the hero's movement or even shooting speed.



Hero description. Excelling at one-on-one combat, Wraith isolates targets, eliminating them with ruthless efficiency, then teleporting away before anyone can retaliate.

From the description, we understand that we have another heroine who performs best in single-player battles. Her abilities allow her to deftly deal with the victim and leave the battlefield. Most likely, she manages to do this thanks to her blink, which is the second ability of the heroine. 

Judging by the third icon, the Wraith can create a barrier or a force field that enhances her attack power and shooting speed. The heroine's ultimatum in the form of a hand that catches a bullet may mean that she can stop enemy bullets flying at her, and possibly redirect them at the enemy.



Hero description. Yamato uses precise strikes to decimate her rivals. However, such damaging attacks often will leave her exposed, so she needs to make every shot count.

The heroine has an interesting look that refers to Japanese culture, as she is stylised as a samurai. Deadlock is a shooter, and Yamato is armed with a katana, so it is interesting how she uses her ranged attack abilities. Apparently, she attacks with gusts of wind, cutting it with her blade.

Or maybe we're looking at the only melee character so far. But then the question of balance arises, as it is quite difficult to play a melee character against those who can deal damage from a distance. So, the heroine's abilities must be appropriate. This means they should provide mobility, as indicated by the second icon. And her attacks should be as powerful as her first ability, which is a slash.



The video did not show the banners of all the characters, so we could only examine those on which the author of the video hovered. Nevertheless, you can see their portraits and what they look like on the bottom panel of the characters. The abilities of the characters presented in this article are the author's assumptions based on images, descriptions, and guesses.

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