All We Know About Deadlock Characters
  • Gaming

  • 08:54, 17.09.2024

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All We Know About Deadlock Characters

Despite the fact that Deadlock is still in the stage of intensive development, it is already available to many players who received invitations from Valve or their friends.

Deadlock features many interesting, albeit still raw, mechanics, abilities, and the heroes who possess them. In this article, you will learn about:

  • All Deadlock Valve heroes available in the game and their abilities.
  • The best heroes for beginners.
  • Secret Deadlock heroes.


Description: Abrams has great mass and resilience, allowing him to lead from the front, often charging into the midst of enemies and watching them scatter in all directions. If enemies focus their fire on him, his teammates can deal damage freely.


  • Siphon Life: drains health from enemies in front of him.
  • Shoulder Charge: charges forward, pushing enemies aside. If Abrams pins an enemy to a wall, they will be stunned.
  • Infernal Resilience: restores part of his health from the damage received.
  • Seismic Impact: jumps up and hovers in the air, allowing him to select a landing zone to deal damage and stun enemies.


Description: Bebop can combine his abilities in various ways: disrupting enemy positions, saving an ally, or delivering serial blows. When finesse is not required, his giant laser still solves many problems.


  • Exploding Uppercut: strikes nearby units, knocking them back. Upon landing, they deal damage to enemy creatures within the ability's radius.
  • Sticky Bomb: attaches a sticky bomb to a nearby target, which then explodes, dealing damage to enemies nearby. Damage increases by 2.5% for each hit hero.
  • Hook: launches a hook that grabs and pulls the first enemy in its path, dealing damage to the target.
  • Hyper Beam: charges a laser and releases a powerful energy beam, dealing damage and slowing enemies. However, your hero is also slowed in movement and turning speed.


Description: Dynamo keeps himself and his allies healthy, waiting for the right moment. Few things can disrupt a team fight more than well-coordinated use of a singularity.


  • Kinetic Pulse: releases a pulse in front, knocking enemies into the air.
  • Quantum Entanglement: the hero disappears from space, turning into a sphere, and can move to a nearby area. After reappearing, Dynamo's weapon will be reloaded and his fire rate increased.
  • Rejuvenating Aurora: restores health to himself and allies in range while performing the ability.
  • Singularity: creates a singularity that pulls in nearby enemies, dealing damage to them. After the effect ends, enemies are lifted into the air.

Grey Talon

Description: An astute predator, Grey Talon leverages deadly accuracy, cunning traps, and strategic positioning to bring down the most formidable opponents.


  • Charged Shot: fires a charged arrow that pierces enemies ahead.
  • Rain of Arrows: allows the hero to rise into the air and shoot from above with increased damage and multishot.
  • Immobilizing Trap: sets a trap that starts charging. If an enemy hero steps into its radius, they will be slowed.
  • Guided Owl: releases the spirit of an owl that can be controlled. When it collides with enemies, they take damage and are stunned.


Description: When Haze focuses on a target, she can hold her ground in a shootout. She seeks one-sided battles, evading damage before eliminating unsuspecting foes at close range.


  • Sleep Dagger: Haze throws a dagger that puts the enemy to sleep for 3 seconds. If attacked, the enemy wakes up sooner.
  • Smoke Bomb: the hero becomes invisible, hiding in smoke, and can throw daggers. However, shooting reveals the hero's invisibility, and if standing too close to enemies, they can spot her.
  • Fixation: shooting at the same target increases the damage they take. Headshots give a double charge of this passive ability.
  • Bullet Dance: Haze starts spinning in a dance, shooting around with perfect accuracy and increased damage.


Description: Infernus has many ways to deal damage over time, burning enemies before pouncing on them for the kill. Thanks to Infernus's lightning-fast speed, his enemies can't escape the flames.


  • Catalyst: spews napalm, causing enemies to be slowed and take increased damage from Infernus’s attacks.
  • Flame Dash: the hero moves forward, leaving a trail of fire behind that burns enemies. Infernus gains 50% resistance to slowing effects.
  • Afterburn: Infernus’s bullets accumulate a burning effect on enemies, which is refreshed by both shooting and abilities.
  • Concussive Combustion: turns the hero into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in the radius.


Description: Ivy uses destructive combat techniques that slow and stun enemies. She is most effective when linked with an ally, amplifying their weapon and sharing healing.


  • Kudzu Bomb: creates an area of choking vines that deal damage and slow enemies within their radius.
  • Watcher's Covenant: grants additional effects (increased fire rate, vampirism) and automatically links with an allied hero to share these bonuses.
  • Stone Form: transforms the hero into an indestructible stone, which can slam into the ground, stunning enemies and dealing damage. It also heals the hero for a percentage of their maximum health.
  • Air Drop: the hero flies into the air with a bomb or an ally, which can be thrown at enemies to deal explosive damage and slow them. After the flight, Ivy and the ally receive a bulletproof shield. During the flight, the ally has 50% resistance to bullets but cannot attack.


Description: Timely healing and proper team fight management make the difference between an easy victory and a crushing defeat. Sliding around slow enemies gives Kelvin's team a maneuvering advantage to achieve this.


  • Frost Grenade: throws a grenade that deals damage and slows enemies.
  • Ice Path: creates an icy trail on which the hero and allies move faster and gain resistance to slowing effects.
  • Arctic Beam: fires an icy beam that deals damage and slows enemies and their fire rate the longer they are exposed. Kelvin’s movement speed is also slowed while using this ability.
  • Frozen Shelter: creates a dome around the hero, inside which all units and buildings (except heroes) become invulnerable. Kelvin and allies gain increased health regeneration.

Lady Geist

Description: Lady Geist expands her health to achieve devastating effects, which is the source of her power. When it runs out, she can drain life from her enemies.


  • Essence Bomb: Lady Geist sacrifices part of her health to launch a bomb that deals damage after a short delay. The type of self-damage is spiritual, and it can be reduced.
  • Life Drain: creates a tether that drains health from the enemy and heals Lady Geist. The target must be in sight and within range. While using this ability, other abilities can be cast, but movement speed is halved.
  • Malice: sacrifices part of her health to launch blood shards that apply the Malice effect. Each stack slows the enemy and increases the damage they receive.
  • Soul Exchange: swaps health with an enemy target. There is a minimum percentage of health to which the enemy’s health can be reduced, and a minimum amount of health Lady Geist can gain based on the target's current health.


Description: Lash leaves no room for enemies to breathe, either flying in from a great distance to initiate a fight or chasing down enemies when they try to flee.


  • Ground Strike: slams the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies. If used in the air, the hero quickly lands.
  • Grapple: the hero pulls themselves towards a target, resetting jump and dash limits in the air.
  • Flog: lashes enemies with a whip, draining their health.
  • Death Slam: grabs an enemy with the whip, then slams them into the ground, dealing damage and stunning all enemies in the landing zone.


Description: Precise positioning is everything for McGinnis, whether she is creating a kill zone or disrupting the enemy team. She can help her team escape, making her difficult to dislodge once entrenched.


  • Mini Turret: places a mini turret that shoots at enemies. It gains 30% of the hero’s maximum health and disappears after being destroyed or its duration ends. The turret has 60% resistance to spiritual damage and deals reduced damage to soldiers and structures.
  • Medicinal Specter: summons a specter that heals the hero and nearby units.
  • Spectral Wall: creates a wall that splits the area in half. Upon creation, the wall deals damage and slows nearby enemies.
  • Heavy Barrage: launches a volley of rockets that hit the target.

Mo & Krill

Description: Burrowing through the ground, Mo & Krill can reach almost anyone; and when they get up close, the results can be devastating.


  • Scorn: deals damage to enemies and heals the hero based on the damage dealt. Healing is stronger against enemy heroes.
  • Burrow: the heroes burrow underground, gaining increased movement speed and resistance to spiritual damage and bullets. Damage from enemy heroes reduces the speed bonus. Upon surfacing, enemies are knocked into the air with a spinning attack.
  • Sand Blast: sprays sand that disarms enemies in front and deals damage.
  • Combo: holds the target in place, stunning and dealing damage during the ability. If the target dies during Combo, you gain a permanent bonus to maximum health.


Description: Manipulating time allows Paradox to outpace the enemy in one-on-one combat. She thrives by exposing her enemies to well-timed switches to a grenade, wall, or into the midst of her teammates.


  • Pulse Grenade: throws a pulse grenade that deals damage and slows enemies.
  • Time Wall: creates a time distortion wall that stops enemy projectiles and bullets passing through it. Enemies that collide with the wall take damage based on a percentage of their maximum health and are slowed.
  • Kinetic Carbine: charges the weapon and grants additional movement speed once charged. The next shot releases energy that deals spiritual damage and freezes time for the enemy. The damage increases current weapon damage.
  • Paradoxical Swap: releases a projectile that swaps your hero's position with an enemy. During the effect, you gain spiritual energy, and the enemy takes periodic damage.


Description: With a powerful shotgun and a slim frame, Pocket relies on her ability to briefly escape into a mystical suitcase and teleport in a flying cloak to survive close encounters.


  • Barrage: fires projectiles that deal damage and slow movement by 30% around the impact point. Each projectile that hits a hero grants a stacking effect that increases all the hero’s damage.
  • Flying Cloak: releases an intelligent cloak that flies forward, dealing damage to enemies. The hero can also teleport to the cloak’s position.
  • Enchanter's Satchel: the hero hides in a suitcase. After the effect ends, it deals damage to nearby enemies.
  • Affliction: deals damage over time to all nearby enemies. Damage from Affliction is non-lethal and does not trigger item effects.


Description: Seven thrives in skirmishes, waiting for the right moment to strike. He then storms into the fight like a whirlwind, striking his enemies with lightning. He is one of the best Deadlock characters thanks to his powerful abilities.


  • Lightning Ball: releases a lightning sphere in front of him, dealing damage to anyone in its path.
  • Static Charge: shoots a charge at an enemy hero, stunning them for a short time and dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Power Surge: empowers the weapon with an electric effect, dealing more damage to enemies, and bullets bounce to nearby targets.
  • Storm Cloud: charges an electric field around himself, which expands and deals damage to all in its range. While active, the hero gains increased bullet resistance.


Description: Shiv isn’t interested in fair play, relying on hit-and-run tactics to weaken enemies before diving in for the kill.


  • Serrated Knives: throws a knife that deals damage and causes the enemy to bleed. Each additional hit increases the effect’s stack and refreshes its duration.
  • Slice and Dice: dashes forward, dealing damage to enemies in the path.
  • Bloodletting: delays incoming damage for a short time, taking only part of the incoming damage.
  • Killing Blow: allows Shiv to leap onto an enemy and kill them instantly if their health is below a threshold. Otherwise, it deals only 200 damage. The passive effect accumulates rage when the hero kills enemies, increasing damage and enhancing other abilities.


Description: Vindicta has enough mobility to pick off prey and slowly bleed them dry. Injured enemies at any distance should fear that they will be her target when she appears on the map.


  • Stake: throws a stake that pins the enemy in place where it lands.
  • Flight: the hero takes to the air, and the weapon deals additional spiritual damage.
  • Crow Familiar: releases a crow that deals damage and inflicts a bleeding effect based on the enemy’s current health.
  • Assassinate: Vindicta uses a sniper rifle to deliver a powerful long-range shot. It only deals partial damage until fully charged 1 second after aiming. It deals bonus damage to enemies with less than 50% health. Headshots deal 20% more damage. If you land a killing blow with Assassinate, you gain bonus souls.


Description: Viscous frustrates his opponents with clever evasion and strategic use of healing, allowing him to withstand even the harshest enemy attacks.


  • Splatter: releases a slime ball that deals damage and leaves a puddle, slowing the movement of enemies in its radius.
  • The Cube: applies a slime cube to the target, removing negative effects, protecting them from damage, and increasing health regeneration. While in the cube, the target cannot act. The ability can be used on the hero himself.
  • Puddle Punch: materializes a fist that slams enemies in an area, knocking them into the air. Enemies take damage, have reduced dash distance for a short time, and are slowed.
  • Goo Ball: the hero turns into a ball that deals damage to enemies and stuns them. The slime ball grants high spiritual resistance and bullet resistance, bounces off walls, and can double jump.


Description: Warden leads from the front, jumping into battle and preventing his enemies from fighting effectively. But what Warden considers bravery, others call reckless, and if he's not careful, he could easily get into trouble.


  • Alchemical Flask: throws a flask that deals damage, slows enemies, and reduces weapon damage and stamina of enemies hit.
  • Willpower: grants a spiritual shield and bonus movement speed.
  • Binding Word: curses an enemy hero. If they don't move from the initial position within a certain time, they take damage and become immobilized.
  • Last Stand: after charging the ability, releases pulses that deal damage and heal you based on the damage dealt.


Description: With exceptional prowess in solo combat, Wraith isolates her targets, eliminates them with ruthless precision, and teleports away before any retaliation is possible.


  • Card Trick: deals weapon damage using playing cards.
  • Project Mind: teleports the hero to the specified location.
  • Full Auto: temporarily increases the hero’s fire rate. Your allies nearby get only half the bonus to their firing rate.
  • Telekinesis: lifts an enemy hero into the air, briefly stunning them. Afterward, the enemy takes damage from telekinesis.


Description: Yamato uses precise strikes to destroy her opponents. However, such devastating attacks often leave her vulnerable, so she needs to make every hit count.


  • Power Slash: charges her weapon to deliver a sword strike.
  • Flying Strike: throws a grappling hook to pull herself to an enemy, dealing damage and slowing the target upon arrival.
  • Crimson Slash: unleashes a slashing attack that deals damage to enemies and slows their fire rate. If enemy heroes take damage, Yamato heals herself.
  • Shadow Transformation: after using this ability, Yamato’s abilities are refreshed and performed 60% faster, the weapon gains infinite ammunition, and the hero gains resistance to damage and negative effects. During this ultimate, Yamato cannot die.

Deadlock Best Characters for Begginer

If you are new to the game or plan to start soon, here is a list of Deadlock heroes that are suitable for beginners. These Deadlock game heroes show high win rates in statistics and have simple, easy-to-understand abilities. She has one of the most pickable Deadlock Valve Characters (92.07% pickrate).

  • Seven (58.89% win rate) — this hero has very strong abilities that deal a lot of damage, especially the ultimate, which will help you easily eliminate enemy heroes. The abilities are also easy to use.
  • Haze (53.17% win rate) — she has invisibility that helps with escapes, and her damage increases the longer she focuses on the same target. With her ultimate, it's easy to kill nearby enemies.
  • Abrams (51.14% win rate) — perfect for players who enjoy support heroes, as Abrams is not very good at killing. However, paired with an ally, you can easily win the lane and games thanks to his healing and survivability.
  • Dynamo (47.04% win rate) — a hybrid hero who boosts incoming damage to targets, allowing both allies and Dynamo himself to deal more damage. He is a good option for those who prefer both Deadlock roles: carrie and support.
  • Vindicta (43.83% win rate) — despite having the lowest win rate, this hero is one of the top 3 most popular due to high damage output, cool abilities, and great burst potential. Beginners will find her easy to learn and grow to love as they demonstrate her power.

Secret Deadlock Heroes

In addition to the heroes you can already play in game, there are also secret or unreleased characters in Deadlock that can only be tried in sandbox mode. Some of them have interesting, though incomplete, abilities. So we can expect that there will be some potential new Deadlock best characters among this list.

  • Astro — a female cowboy who uses barrels and grenades to attack enemies. She can place a trampoline and use a lasso to capture enemies.
  • Bomber — the appearance of this hero is undefined, as textures are missing. Only one of four abilities works: it allows the hero to charge a bomb under themselves, after which they jump into the air.
  • Cadence — a powerful Viking woman who uses magic through singing. Her abilities can put enemies to sleep, and her ultimate is accompanied by a musical fragment from Portal 2, likely just a background element.
  • Gunslinger — another cowboy-style hero. He can put enemies to sleep, aim precisely while shooting, and throw projectiles. His passive ability remains unknown.
  • Kali — a humanoid lizard who uses a boomerang to attack and can immobilize enemies with her ultimate ability.
  • Mirage — a hero of unknown appearance who controls the forces of nature. His abilities include generating electric fields and summoning tornadoes.
  • Nano — an Egyptian-themed character. Her abilities are related to cats and a sphinx, one of which she carries on her shoulder.
  • Rutger — a cyborg with the ability to fire plasma charges and create energy barriers.
  • Slork — an amphibian whose magic is related to water.
  • Thumper — an engineer who can use explosive charges, barbed wire, and a vortex attack.
  • Tokamak — a robot that creates a wave of fire, uses fiery leaps, and has laser attacks.
  • Wrecker — an anthropomorphic alien-like creature that throws huge stone boulders and can lock onto enemies like a missile.
  • Yakuza — a member of the Yakuza clan who can immobilize enemies, deal damage over time, and apply positive effects to allies.

To select a secret hero, open the console (F7) and enter the following command:

  • selecthero hero_astro
  • selecthero hero_bomber
  • selecthero hero_cadence
  • selecthero hero_gunslinger
  • selecthero hero_kali
  • selecthero hero_mirage
  • selecthero hero_nano
  • selecthero hero_rutger
  • selecthero hero_slork
  • selecthero hero_thumper
  • selecthero hero_tokamak
  • selecthero hero_wrecker
  • selecthero hero_yakuza


The list of Deadlock all characters offers a diverse range of characters with unique abilities, allowing each player to find the one that best suits their playstyle and needs.

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