Upcoming updates in Valorant may be delayed: Developers on annual one-week vacation

Upcoming updates in Valorant may be delayed: Developers on annual one-week vacation

On June 28th, Riot Games announced that their developers are taking their annual summer vacation, which will last one week. This could affect the release of upcoming updates in Valorant.

Riot Games has declared on its official website that its developers are taking a one-week annual summer vacation. They are taking this break to rest, recharge, and continue to delight players of Valorant and other games with new updates and content.

With the developers on vacation, there is a possibility that the next scheduled updates may be delayed. However, this is not confirmed information, and if it happens, the developers will notify us through official channels.

As Riot Games itself notes, the developers are big fans of their own products, so during their vacation, you might encounter them playing in Valorant or other projects, giving you a great opportunity to end up in a match with a developer and possibly receive a Riot Gun Buddy.

SOURCE: Riot Games

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