Due to a developer error, Some players received two different rank gun buddies in Valorant

Due to a developer error, Some players received two different rank gun buddies in Valorant

Some Valorant players received two rank gun buddies at the end of the third act of episode eight due to a developer error.

After the start of the first act of episode nine, Riot Games delighted some players by providing them with two different gun buddies for their best achievements in the previous episode. This happened due to a developer error that issued the gun buddies prematurely, before the end of the ranking season.

A day before the end of the third act of episode nine, that is, before the closure of the ranked games, developers issued all gun buddies with their best achievements for the entire episode. However, since the ranked mode remained accessible, those who surpassed their previous result on the last day receive another gun buddy, according to Valorant support.

If you are one of those who beat their result on the last day after the gun buddies were issued but did not receive a new one, you should contact Valorant support, who will help you resolve this issue.

SOURCE: Telegram

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