"The worst Battle Pass" - Valorant community criticizes Riot Games for terrible content
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  • 12:38, 16.01.2024

"The worst Battle Pass" - Valorant community criticizes Riot Games for terrible content

Following the release of the eighth episode on January 10th, the Valorant community has been actively discussing the game's developments. Topics of discussion include changes in the map pool, a new set of skins, bugs, and various other content. Recently, significant debate has arisen over the content in the battle pass, leading to criticism of Valorant developers from players.

It's worth noting that, as usual, with the release of a new act, Valorant introduces a battle pass. This pass is conditionally free, as players can still receive certain rewards even when leveling up the basic version. However, if you purchase the premium version for 1000VP, you get access to more rewards, including various skins, keychains, graffiti, and occasionally the VP currency itself. It's specifically the content of the battle pass in the first act of the eighth episode that has drawn the most questions from players. On the Reddit information platform, the community has initiated discussions, arguing why this battle pass is one of the worst.

Primarily, players complain about the quality of the skins, which they consider mediocre. Of all the skins in the battle pass, only the melee weapon account, which turns a knife into a large hammer maul, was well-received by the community. Players also compare this battle pass with those in other games with similar systems. In most other games, players can cover the cost of the pass through rewards received during leveling, thus allowing them to purchase the pass in the next act using only in-game currency. In Valorant, leveling up only yields Radiant currency, which can only be used to purchase skins and cosmetic items.

Among the variety of complaints, the time investment is also noteworthy. Some discussion participants lament that fully leveling up the battle pass requires a significant amount of time. Often, players who buy the premium version of the pass do not even receive all the content because they lack the time to fully unlock it.

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