The REIGNITE team has signed a new player for their VALORANT GC division

The REIGNITE team has signed a new player for their VALORANT GC division

The Japanese esports team REIGNITE has announced the addition of HANE to their Valorant GC division.

The 19-year-old HANE began her Valorant career in 2022, joining Focus e-Sports and immediately showing impressive results in VCT 2022 GC Japan, where she passed the open qualifiers and finished 4th in the country, despite losing in the playoffs to FENNEL HOTELAVA.

In 2023, HANE joined TZ Gaming and competed in VCJ 2023 Split 1. Although she did not pass the open qualifiers, she performed well and demonstrated her skills. In March 2024, the athlete teamed up with Korean players by joining the Meteor team. In April, she once again passed the open qualifiers for VALORANT GC Japan 2024 Split 1, finishing 4th in the playoffs.

With the addition of HANE, the REIGNITE Lily roster is ready to compete in VALORANT GC Japan 2024 Split 2, which starts next month.

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