08:40, 19.12.2023

Today, the creation of a new team in the Korean shooter scene from Riot Games was announced. The well-known organization Sin Prisa Gaming announced a new Valorant roster, which includes all the former members of Shadow Corporation.
In their official Twitter account, representatives of Shadow Corporation bid farewell to the former players and coaching staff. They stated that they will support the participants in the future and wish them success. In turn, the new organization Sin Prisa Gaming also welcomed the promising players and wished them victories in their new endeavors.
We have received wonderful promising players, with a great spirit, who are eager to develop and become better. Welcome aboard. Thank you, Shadow Corporation, for such an opportunity.

Sin Prisa Gaming is a Korean organization known for its performance in Overwatch and Overwatch 2. Their newly formed Valorant roster is quite promising, considering its achievements under the Shadow Corporation banner. As part of the latter, the players performed brilliantly for newcomers on the tier-2 scene at the first stage of VALORANT Challengers 2023: Korea Split 1, where they finished in fourth place. The second stage was not as successful, and the players left it among the first, in 5-6th place.
The new Sin Prisa Gaming roster
- SilKanoN (coach)
It is still unknown in which league the newly formed organization will compete. But considering the players' success on the Challengers scene, it can be assumed that the new team will again be testing themselves in the contenders league in 2024, where they will fight for a partnership with Riot Games.
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