The champion of Red Bull Home Ground #4 - Boaster, will meet with fans in Tokyo
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  • 11:55, 10.11.2023

The champion of Red Bull Home Ground #4 - Boaster, will meet with fans in Tokyo

Today, the current participant of the top European region Fnatic and the winner of Red Bull Home Ground #4 - Jake "Boaster" Howlett, announced his plans for the future. He reported that a fan meeting will take place in Tokyo soon, where Jake will be the main guest.

In his Twitter account, Boaster stated that although the tournament has ended, he does not plan to leave Japan for some time. His plans include organizing a meeting with fans, which everyone who manages to register can attend.

Thank you to everyone who came to support us at Red Bull Home Ground. I met many of you, and it made me very happy, but if you didn't get to meet me, I will hold a fan meeting in Tokyo on November 14th before leaving Japan. Please manage to register in time.

As the cyber athlete himself reports, the meeting will take place on November 14th in Tokyo, at the Ash Winder esports arena. To get an invitation, you need to register at the link and wait for a message to your email address. As the organizers report, exclusive posters and badges, official Fnatic merchandise, and a meeting with the main star - Boaster, as well as his autograph session, will be available at the event. The entrance will be completely free.

Recall that Fnatic recently became the champions of Red Bull Home Ground #4, which took place from November 3rd to 5th. Eight invited teams from different regions participated in the event, but it was the representatives of Europe who turned out to be the strongest. Interestingly, despite the fact that the tournament ended 5 days ago, the organizers have not yet announced the amount of the prize fund.

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