Rumors: Valorant Mobile to be available in open access in early 2024

Rumors: Valorant Mobile to be available in open access in early 2024

Today, an unexpected announcement regarding the mobile version of Valorant surfaced online. Several well-known dataminers claim that the project will be available in open access very soon.

The first to report this information was the well-known portal PlayerIGN, on their Twitter page. The channel's authors stated that the community will see Valorant Mobile in January 2024, or a bit later. This information was later echoed by the well-known channel Valorant Mobile News, which can be considered a reliable source. Interestingly, both sources did not provide any details, so it is unknown whether we will see a full release in January, or just an open beta version for all interested.


As of today, Valorant Mobile is in a closed beta test exclusively for Chinese players. For now, the project is only available to Android users. It can be assumed that if not a full game release, then at the beginning of 2024 we might see an open beta test for all interested, and possibly for another operating system.

The developers of the mobile version are actively implementing most of the details present in Valorant on PC. Recently, even esports organizations have been preparing to create rosters for Valorant Mobile. Read more about this in our article.

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