Rumors: Pride Collection to receive new charm and title in 2024

Rumors: Pride Collection to receive new charm and title in 2024

Each year, the Pride collection in Valorant is enriched with new agent cards and various titles. Recently, the renowned dataminer KINGDOM LABORATORIES revealed that the collection would again be updated with new content in 2024.

In an official tweet, KINGDOM LABORATORIES posted an image showing the contents of last year's Pride sets, which included player titles, cards, and a charm. According to the dataminer, the 2024 collection will expand to include another weapon charm, as well as a player title "Juntos Somos Mais Fortes," which means "Together We Are Stronger."


It should be noted that at the beginning, Pride items were obtainable via codes that had to be entered in the game itself. Later, in patches 4.10 and 6.10, Pride rewards were part of the Pride Collection content and will likely continue to be so in the future. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that all Pride Collection sets are completely free, and can be obtained without investing any in-game or real currency.

As of now, the release date of the next Pride set is unknown, but it is assumed that it will appear in the game in early June along with the major update 8.11, which will bring a variety of changes to the game.

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