Reckoning Esports bids farewell to its Valorant team captain
Reckoning Esports bids farewell to its Valorant team captain

At the start of 2024, the Indian organization Reckoning Esports introduced a revamped Valorant roster, along with new in-game leader Eisuke "LBY" Kuraoka. However, after a few months and three tournaments, the latter has announced his departure from the team.

This decision was made known through the player's official social media. Interestingly, LBY himself does not disclose the reason for leaving the team. He simply states that he is ready for new offers and is looking for a team in any region where he can take on the role of in-game leader again.


Eisuke "LBY" Kuraoka is a young Japanese-Thai player. As mentioned earlier, he joined Reckoning Esports on January 29, 2024, along with another player. During his time with the team, Eisuke participated in three tournaments, and all of them ended in the same positions. The team's performance in the VALORANT Challengers 2024 South Asia: Split 1 - Cup 1 and Cup 2 resulted in a 5th place finish, and later, VALORANT Challengers 2024: South Asia Split 2 also brought the club a 5-6th place finish. Although such a result cannot be considered unsatisfactory, as it guaranteed the team's progression to the next stage, LBY is still leaving the collective without apparent reasons.

It is currently unknown whether the player has received any offers, but with the third phase of the South Asia Split 3 competition starting only in September, the professional will have ample time to find a new team.

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